56- i love you, kiddo

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soooo we gotta new oc here, so therefore, we get some context! yay!

okay, then new oc is named bailey (not the same bailey from 'this is my family'.) bailey is hiccup's daughter. in this, astrid passed away giving birth to bailey. hiccup never got another girlfriend or remarried. all he others are in this as well. no other new oc's apart from bailey. any other important information will be given when needed.

hiccup Is 34, bailey is 14

hiccup's p.o.v

i'm laying in bed, just on the brink of sleep. it's Sunday morning, relatively early. i know that bailey will be coming in here soon, as she always does. even at her age, she likes to come in for a cuddle on a Sunday morning. I don't notice her footsteps, or the door opening. in fact, I don't even know she's there until I feel he end of the bed near my remaining foot dip, and then the rustling of the covers moving. then, i feel her weight pressed against my side, so i wrap my arm around her, bringing her against my chest. her hand presses against my bare skin, and it's really cold, giving me goosbumps.

"your hands cold" i murmur to her. she giggles and places te other one on my chest too, making me shiver.

"that's so rude!" i say in a jokey voice, taking both of her hands In one of mine. she giggles again then nestles herself under my chin, her soft auburn hair tickling me. i press a small kiss to the top of her head and release her hands, and she clasps them against her chest. most people her age would never even consider coming into their parents bedroom for a cuddle, and I told her she didn't have to in case she thought she did, but she just shrugged and told me it's one of the best parts of her week, which made my heart bust and a small smile play on my lips.

"i love you dad" she whispers, her warm breath against my skin. I smile.

"i love you too kiddo" then, the bed dips again, and the indiginant meow of toothless sounds, before he walks on top of me.

"aaand toothless wants some attention too" I chuckle. bailey gently takes toothless and wedges him between us, and he begins to purr.

"stupid cat" I murmur, bailey laughs.

"he's not that bad" she gently scratches his head. toothless gives me a pointed look.

"yeah, i know." I scratch under his chin. we lay there for about an hour in silence before she speaks up again.



"wy did you never remarry after mom?" i sigh and look down at her. she's looking up at me with the same big blue eyes her mother had.. I tuck a little strand of her hair behind her ear.

"i never got married again because your mother was the only woman for me. she told me before she dies, to give all the love I gave to her, to you. so that's what i'm going to do, and have done for fourteen years." I say quietly to her, stroking her hair in the process. she looks thoughtful and sad.

"i'm sorry, dad. it's my fault she died..." she trails off. I move toothless (who meows at me) and shift back a little to properly look at her.

"no, it's not your fault. don't you ever think that it was. your mom was the strongest woman I ever knew. it was just her time." bailey shakes her head.

"but... if i was never born, then mom wouldn't have died"

"kiddo... i can't say that isn't true, because it is, theres no way around that, but the thing is, astrid knew she was going to die, and she never told me. she knew what was going to happen, and chose to let it happen. i'll explain it all another day, but know this, that either way, your mother would have died. whether it would have been you or another child, the outcome would have been the same." she buries her head in my chest again and nods. I run my fingers through her hair.

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