109- caller

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okay so very small context, south and hiccup have two kids and south is pregnant with their 3rd. the two kids are 7 and 5.

hiccup is 28

south's p.o.v

"ugh..." i groan, rubbing my temples. gods, i hate migraines. the kids are downstairs watching tv. it's around lunch time, so i begin going down the stairs to meake them some sandwiches. only a few steps down, my legs collapse under me and i fall. i hit my head on the banister, and everything goes black.

arrows p.o.v (arrow is the 7 year old)

the tv is playing as me and grace wait for mommy to come down and make us something to eat. i hear home come down the stairs, and grin, but then there is a loud bang. i flinch, and run over. mommy is laying on the floor. her head is bleeding. what did daddy say to do. 911! i run and grab the landline phone, pressing down on the numbers. it rings for a second.

"911, is the patient breathing?" i don't know what a patient is, but i think he's talking about mommy. i see her back rising and falling a little


"okay, can you tell me what happened?" the man asks.

"m-mommy fell down the stairs. her head is bleeding"

"did you see her fall?"

"no, i heard a bang and found her on the floor"

"is your daddy there?" he asks.

"no, daddy is at work."

"who else is there?"

"i-its me, my little sister, mommy, toothless and windwalker"

"toothless and windwalker? are they your pets?"

"yes. the dogs."

"alright. can you put them in another room for me?" i nod. i whistle and shout 'kennel' the way i have seen daddy doing. the immediately walk to the kennel.

"okay. they're gone"

"great. is your mommy asleep?"


"do you know your adress?"

"um... um... no"

"is there a letter around?"

"yes, i'll get it" i run to the kitchen and grab the piece of paper off the desk. it says something about taxes, but i don't know what that is so i ignore it. i read the adress out"

"okay. the ambulance is on it's way. do you know your daddys number?"

"yes. he made me remember it"

"good. i want you to grab your mommys phone and call him"

"okay" i run up the stairs and go into my parents room. i see mommys phone on the counter. i place the landline down and recite my daddys number. it rings.

"love? why are you calling me at work?" my dads voice sounds after a few moments.

"d-daddy, it's me"

"buddy? what's going on?" i hear some movement over the phone.

"mommy fell. she's sleeping and she won't wake up" i say.

"what? is she okay?"

"i don't know. 911 is coming to get her"

"okay, i'm on my way home now. keep this phone on you, okay?"

"okay" he hangs up and i grab the phone before running downstairs again. grace is still watching tv.

"will the baby be okay?" i ask the guy over the phone.

"the baby? was your mom holding a baby when she fell?"

"no, it's in her belly"

"okay. i can hear sirens" i say, looking out the window to watch the ambulance drive up.

"okay, i'll hang up now." he does. i let the ambulance people in and lead them to the stairs at the back of the house.

"who called 911?" a woman says.

"i-i did" i say, watching them do stuff to my mommy

"well done. is your daddy here?"

"he's on his way. i called him"

"okay. your mommy isn't too hurt, so we can wait for him" i nod. before long, i hear my daddys car park and him running into the house. he comes into the back.

hiccup's p.o.v

i run into the back of the house after i get home, and see them loading south onto a stretcher.

"are you her husband?" i'm asked.

"yes. what happened?"

"she fell down the stairs and hit her head. your son called us." i nod and turn to my son. i kneel down in front of him and take his little face in my hands.

"well done, kiddo. you did good" i say. he smiles at me a little.

"is she okay?"

"she'll be alright. it's the baby we're worried about. well done for calling me, and 911."

"you told me that if something happened, and you werent there, then that was what i had to do. i listened, daddy, i did!"

"i know you did." i kiss his forehead. grace is watching everything with big eyes, so i go over and pick her up, setting her on my hip.

"can we come with you? i can't leve them here on their own while i go with her" i say. they nod.

"sure, that's fine." they say. i climb into the back of the ambulance and help arrow in. we're taken to the hospital, where i call my dad to pick the kids up. he does, and takes them home. i am taken into souths room. she's awake now. she's had a few stitches in her head.

"hey baby" i say, sitting next to her. she smiles at me.

"hey. what happened?"

"you fell down the stairs arrow called 911, and then me. we raised a smart boy" he smiles proudly at my words.

"of course he's smart. anyone with even 10% of your intelligence is a bloody genius" i chuckle.

"oh shush."

"anyway. is the baby okay?"

"yes. you shielded her when you fell, so she's okay. everything is okay" i kiss her forehead.

"good... i couldn't imagine anything happeneing"

"nor me. let's not worry about it for now, because i think our son deserves a good treat"

"indeed he does. he saved the baby"

"that he did. i'm thinkin we should go down to pleasure beach this weekend. you know how much he loves it" she nods.

"sounds good. a think a good day out after all of this could benifit us all"

"you're right. we all really need it"


that ending was shit. oh well.

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