198- chance

211 4 7

South isn't in this.

Hiccup is 15, azalea is about a month old (nobody knows...) this is before toothless.

Hiccup's p.o.v

"I cannot believe this" I mutter wretchedly to myself, brushing my fingers along yet another black eye and hissing as my body reacts to the gentle touch with pain. Snotlout punched me for 'annoying his girl' and yet all I did was ask Astrid if she needed her axe sharpening because she was lingering outside the forge. Of course, she didn't, she was just waiting for someone. She wasn't being too rude about it, she just shook her head and said 'no, I'm just waiting for someone' but at that moment, snot came along and gave me a friendly greeting, as usual. I'm broken out of my thoughts by a weird sound. I frown. A look around shows nothing out of the ordinary, until I hear it again. It's coming from the well, I look down it. It's pitch black, but the sound is definitely coming from there. I grab a lantern off the side of the Well and attach it to the bucket, lowering it down the dark hole. About twenty feet down, I hit the waterline. There's a basket floating on it, which is where the sound is coming from. My heart sinks. There's a baby in there. I quickly raise the bucket and take it off the hook, lowering the rope and hook to pull up the basket. After a few tries, the hook attaches to the handle and I pull it up. As soon as the basket is out, I open it. Just as I guessed, it's a baby. The baby is swaddled in some furs, almost purple in the face from the cold and crying.
"Hey... hey..." I whisper, pulling the baby out. I quickly figure out the baby is a girl, and she is way too small. She's a hiccup. That must be why she was abandoned. I take off my jerkin. And wrap it around her. In the basket lays a white azalea. I shift her into my left arm and pick it up with my right, examining it. Who on earth did this... I stand up and start running home with her clutched to my chest. I slam the door open, startling my dad
"Hiccup! What on earth are yer-"
"Dad!" I interrupt him, walking forward.
"What are you holding?" I shift her into my arms so he can see. His eyes widen
"Oh my... where did yer find 'er?"
"In the well. I was waking past towards the forge when I heard something down there. I used the hook to get her out. Dad... someone left her in there to die..." my dad sighs
"Right. We'll find out whoever did this, and we'll find her a safe home." I look down at the little baby, and I feel this urgent need to... protect her.
"I'll look after her" I blurt. My dad raises his eyebrows.
"Hiccup, don't be ridiculous. Yer can barely take care of yerself"
"Dad. I... I want to look after her. I don't know why I just..." He evaluates me.
"You... want to look after her?"
"Yes." I say with a finality. He nods slowly
"Alright. But she is your responsibility, not mine. You feed her, change her, raise her. If I find that you're slacking off or not taking care of her properly, she will be given to someone else. Understood?"
"Yes sir" I nod.
"Right. First things first, we need to take her to Gothi" I nod.
"Okay. I'm on it now" I leave the house. Soon enough, I arrive at Gothi's hut. She's sat in her chair, reading something
"Gothi" I say to get her attention. She looks up.
"I found this baby in the well. I don't know if she's okay" I say. Gothi waves at me to come closer, and I do, handing the baby to her. It's only now I realise I'm still holding the flower. I set it on gothi's table. Gothi checks the baby, then writes in the sand.
'She is about a month old. She's underweight, so she must have been in that Well a few days. She looks to have been born early, but apart from that, this is a healthy baby. I can see you are very protective of her' I nod
"Yeah... I don't know why I just feel like I need to keep her safe, and I don't want to let her out of my sight" I explain. Gothi nods thoughtfully, using her foot to even out the sand before she writes again.
'Your body feels this baby is your own. The feelings you are experiencing are called paternal instincts. I assume you want to keep her and raise her yourself' I nod again
"Yeah, I do. I don't want to give her to someone else."
'I see. Well, I will help you learn how to take care of her, starting with feeding' gothi goes on to explain to me how to feed her. Warm yak milk. She tells me that every time she cries, touch the side of her mouth. If she turns towards it, she wants feeding. If not, she doesn't. She then explains how to change her diaper, how to hold her properly, how she sleeps, everything. I pay close attention to her every word, eventually thanking her and taking the baby home. I find my dad there. He's doing paperwork. He looks up when I walk in.
"How is she, lad?"
"She's underweight, but healthy." He nods.
"Sit down, son. We have much to discuss" I nod and sit down. The baby stays sleeping in my arms.
"Okay. Do you want to adopt her?" I hadn't thought about that.'I look down into her sleeping face, then make eye contact with my dad again
"Yeah, I do" He nods.
"Okay, then as the head of the haddock family you have my blessing. We will make her a haddock tomorrow. Have you given her a name?" I think back to when I found her, with the flower.
"Yeah. I want to name her azalea." My dad nods
"Nice name. Okay, we'll introduce her into the tribe tomorrow morning. She won't be heir when you become chief, as an heir is always blood related."
"That's fair"
"Are you sure, son? Being a father isn't easy. Especially alone, and you're only 15..."
"I'm sure, dad." He smiles lightly
"I still have your old cradle in storage. Let me get it" he goes into the storage room at the back of the house and brings out an old dusty cradle. He brings it upstairs and lines it with fur. I set her inside"
"Thanks dad" he gently lays my shoulder before returning downstairs. I run to the food storehouse and return with a pail of yak milk which I set next to my bed, before climbing in and falling asleep.

I awake some time later to a baby crying. I sit up and look to the cradle next to my bed. Azalea is awake and screaming. I gently lick her up and rick her
"Hey, it's okay...'it's okay..." I murmur. She doesn't stop crying so I gently touch the side of her lips. Sure enough, she turns towards my finger, so I set her back in the cradle and prepare her a bottle full of yak milk. I feed her, and once she's finished, she just falls straight back to sleep. My dad walks up the stairs
"Okay?" He asks. I nod
"Yeah, she was just hungry. Sorry for waking you"
"It's okay, lad. I wasn't asleep" I nod, gently reaching out and stroking her cheek. My dad goes back downstairs so I lay back down, falling asleep again.
She wakes me up twice more during the night; except both times she just wanted cuddles. The next day, my dad leads me to the great hall where he summons a meeting.
"Welcome, Everyone!" My dad bellows to get the villages attention. Everyone goes quiet
"We are gathered here to introduce this baby into the tribe. This baby was found by my son in the well near the armoury, and he had chosen to adopt her as his daughter" I stand next to my father, azalea in my arms
"What, useless! He'll kill that baby within a week!" I hear Snotlout yell. I get angry, but stay quiet. My dad ignores him, clearing his throat.
"Who so ever brings this child forth into the hooligan tribe, let he be known." I hand him azalea, as per the ceremony goes.
"As the chief of berk, I welcome this baby into the hooligan tribe and pronounce the name to be azalea" my dad finishes, handing her back to me. I cradle her to my chest.
"As the chief of berk, and the head of house haddock, I also welcome this baby into the hassocks" my dad adds on. I smile. The meeting disbands, leaving me and my father.
"So, she's officially your daughter. How does that feel?" He asks. I take a deep breath.
"Good. It feels... good"

I dunno

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