136- fear

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Guys, the numbers of the chapters following 124 are wrong. This is actually chapter 137.

Hiccup is 23, south is 18.

Hiccup's p.o.v

I am the only health teacher in berk academy, the perk of this being that I get the health office all to myself. It's pretty neat. I'm cut out of my thoughts by the door slamming open
"Mr haddock, we need you" some random teacher says urgently. I nod
"What happened?" I follow her out of the school
"A girl was crossing the road and someone came out of nowhere and plowed right into her!"
"Okay" we reach the scene. My heart stops when I see south laying twister in the floor. Her eyes are closed. Her head is bleeding, and her arm is most certainly broken. Caution disappears as I slid to my knees in front of my wife.
"South! Oh dear god" I gasp. Her eyes flutter. One of her eyes is bloodshot and doesn't move as she. Moves her right eye to look at me.
"Yes love, it's me. Where do you hurt"
"It's time... to pick up celise..." she says
"No, honey, it's not. Celise was picked up an hour ago, she's with Astrid"
"No... it's time... celise... the baby... is it time for... my ultrasound?" She's making absolutely no sense. Her eyelids flutter and she goes back unconscious. I simply just steady her neck. I can feel the headmaster death-flaring me, but I pay no mind. The ambulance rolls up; and the take her inside
"Can I come with?"
"Are you her teacher?" I sigh
"Yeah... and I'm her husband"
"Er... I think it's best you meet us there" she says, followed my a firm hand clamping down in my shoulder. This makes me flinch violently, recalling the many years of abuse I faced.
"No. You're coming with me" the headmaster seethes. I sigh and nod
"O-Okay..." I'm defeatedly led back into the school as the ambulance takes off. He takes me into a consultation room
"What in gods name was that? Are you seeing that student?" He yells. I flinch again, and he notices, so he calms a little
"I... would you let me explain?"
"You have 5 minutes before you're both out" I swallow and nod.
"Um... when I was twenty, my father invited me over for dinner. I hadn't seen him since I'd moved out, so I decided to go."
"I don't see how-"
"Please, just hear me out. While I was there, he slipped something into my drink. I don't know what. He drugged me, and while I was out, he got me to sign something. It was a marriage contact, stating that as soon as it is signed, there is no way to end it. I have no rights to a divorce or anything. I went to the police and told them that he had drugged me, and they tested me but they couldn't find any drugs. Whatever he had drugged me with wasn't traceable, meaning I couldn't sign an affidavit swearing I wasn't sober or in my right mind to sign that contract. My father tied me up and forced me to the registry. When we got here, I was forced inside. There, was a 15 year old girl in shackles. Literal shackles. Gods, I felt sick, but I couldn't stop it. She was crying and shaking her head at me. When it was over, I was told to kiss her. I tried to refuse, but my dad pointed a gun at me, so I had to. Anyway, I tried to run away with her when she was 16 to somewhere where we could get a divorce, but my father found out and threatened to kill us. We decided it was best to just stick it out. When she was 17, she confessed to me that she actually loved me, and I loved her too, so we decided to try a relationship. About two months later, she told me she was pregnant. It was only a few weeks after I'd started working here. Then, a year ago, our daughter was born. We have a babysitter, and we managed to get a restraining order against our fathers. Life has been better since then"
"Wow... I'm sorry, mr haddock, thats..."
"I know... she was kicked out of her old school for being pregnant, and the only school we could get her into was this one. We hid it so far, but I ruined it" I say sadly, the headmaster places his hand on my shoulder.
"I can't imagine what that was like. You can both stay in the school. I'm really sorry"
"It's okay. Can I go to her?" I ask
"Of course. Let me know how she is" I nod my thanks and rush out of the school, practically throwing myself into my car and driving to the hospital. I eat a shock to see my dad there
"You're not supposed to be here" I grit my teeth. He glares at me
"I got a call saying my daughter in law was hit by a car. Any reasonable man would make sure she's okay"
"That's all good and well, except you're not reasonable. Either you leave now, or I call the police because you violated your restraining order" he scoffs but walks away, purposely shoving past me. I just roll my eyes and find out where souths room is, and head there. The nurse is in there, just casting her arm
"Mr haddock, I assume?" She asks as I walk in
"Yeah, is she okay?"
"She's fine. Her arms broken and will need a few weeks to heal, but both her and the baby are fine" my heart stammers
"T-the baby?"
"You didn't know?" This girl is 3 months pregnant. Congratulations" she walks out of the room as I freeze. I eventually retreat to her side and hold her hand. I don't know how much time has passed until I feel her nudge me. I look up to see her watching me, smiling
"Oh Thor, sweetheart. You really scared me" she lets out a breath and lays back
"I'm sorry"
"It's okay, love. I have to ask you something" she looks back over at me
"Did you know that you're pregnant?" She sighs
"Yeah, I knew. I wasn't sure how to tell you. We've got our hands full with celise and I just..."
"I understand. Don't worry about me, baby. I'm happy. I don't know how you feel about all this..."
"I assume 'all this' is our marriage?" I nod sadly.
"Scoot up here" I do, laying next to her, taking her into my arms
"Hiccup... when my father locked me in a closet, I don't know why until he shackles me and dragged me to the registry. I was terrified. I thought I'd be marrying some old dude who would abuse and rape me, not like my own father hadn't before. But then I saw you... and somehow I knew that I was gonna be safe. You looked so scared, just like me..." I gently kiss the top of her head
"I was scared. I didn't know what was going to happen. I'm glad that it was you. And I'm sorry that this happened. I mean, you were 15 and I was 20." I'm about to continue when the door opens, revealing Astrid who is holding celise.
"I heard things went bad. I have a family emergency, so I brought her here. Is that okay?" Astrid asks
"Yeah. Thanks Astrid" she hands celise to me
"Daddy" she giggles. I chuckle, leaning my forehead against the top of her head to calm my nerves, before handing her to south who rests her in her stomach. Celise falls asleep and Astrid leaves
"I'm tired. I'm gonna try to get some sleep.
"Okay. Goodnight, south"
"Night hiccup"


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