153- have dragon will travel

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Another Viking times rtte one with children... yay.

Hiccup is 19, south is 19, Amora is 3 and destin is 1

Hiccup's p.o.v

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" I watch the rogue rider with a careful eye. They turn around, and I get w vision if shockingly bright green eyes that seem very familiar to me
"I wouldn't either" that voice... they take their hood down and remove the mask. I go rigid

Time skip

"Where's south?" Astrid asks as we all walk with heather into the clubhouse.
"My guy." Heather gives me a curious look, but just turns to wind shear. The gang (with the exception of Astrid and fishlegs) all try to impress her, which leads to Snotlout dangling from the supports holding the clubhouse up. The twins run up to her, vying for her attention.
"She's so... intense, hardcore. I love it" Astrid declares to me. I shrug
"Yeah, it's great. She's definitely grown up since the last time we saw her" I say back. She gives me a smile
"Hiccup, it's been three years. We've all grown up. You more than anyone, even her. You ha e a wife and kids now." I shrug again.
"Yeah, i suppose you're right. But she was so sweet and now she's so... I dunno"
"Edgy? What's wrong with that? I like it" 
"Astrid, there's edgy and then there's destroying ships. Which I still need to ask her about"
"Well do me a favour and wait until after I ask her about her battleaxe? I want her to show me how to make one for myself" she looks over at heather, who is now fighting the twins.
"Yeah, I need to check on south and the kids anyway. I'm guessing Amora is giving her hell because I've been gone more that half an hour" I chuckle fondly. Astrid grins
"She's a daddy's girl, that's for sure"
"No doubts there" she laughs and runs off towards heather. I leave the clubhouse and head to my hut. As soon as I open the door, Toothless runs upstairs. I hear Amora squeak and shout "toothy!", making me chuckle. I head upstairs and sure enough, Amora is kneeling on top of toothless, who is playfully batting her with his paw. I lean against the support beam and watch my family. South is breastfeeding destin while Amora plays with toothless
"Guess I'm not needed here, I'll go back downstairs" I playfully tease
"Daddy!" Amora cheers and hops of toothless, running to me. I pick her up.
"Hey baby girl. Have you been good while I was away?"
"Yeah!" She snuggles into my neck. I chuckle and keep her supported with one arm agile holding the other out to south. She finishes with destin and walks up to me
"Good to see you've not gotten yourself killed yet" she grins. I chuckle
"Yeah, Yeah. Do I not get a kiss, then?" She laughs but gently presses her lips against mine before pulling away.
"Right. Amora, it's dinner time."
"But I wanna stay with daddy!"
"And you can. Just come get your bowl" she cheers and hops down from my arms, running down the stairs.

Two hours later

I head down to the stables to check on the feeding troughs, where I find heather murmuring quietly to windshear.
"Heather? Uh, we should probably talk"
"Sure, about what?"
"About the ship, the one that you and windshear destroyed"
"Oh uh, that ship..."
"Heather, What are you doing out there?" I ask her. She doesn't even turn to look at me.
"Just taking care of business, hiccup. Nothing you need to worry about" she finally turns around.
"Yeah but I do worry about it, Heather. If dragons are attacking ships, I worry."
"Look, hiccup. A lot has happened in the last few years. We're not kids anymore. Everything's changed"
"Heather, I know that better than anyone else, even you, and you can take my word on that. But this isn't you, Heather, it can't be!"
"It is now. The last time you saw me I... never mind. If you want me to leave-"
"Heather, I never said that. No, whatever it is you're going through, we can help. All of us. There's always another way" she leans in and wraps her arms around my shoulders, placing her chin on my shoulder. I hug her back, wrapping my arms around her shoulder blades.
"You're so sweet. Thank you, hiccup. You've always been a good friend to me"  I just sigh.

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