22- life without him

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so this takes place after the episode 'in dragons we trust', but instead of hiccup going back with the others to berk, he stayed on dragon island with toothless.

hiccup's p.o.v

"hiccup, are you sure you want to do this?" astrid asks, worried

"i'm sure. i can't imagine my life without him. so if he goes, i go. i'm sorry astrid. tell my father the same." i tell her. she nods in understanding

"okay hiccup. i'll see you again" she looks down before sprinting off back to the ship. toothless mewls at me, and i can almost tell that he is asking me why i'm not going with them.

"i'm sticking with you bud" i say firmly. he just stares after the ship as it sails off.

astrid's p.o.v

my heart breaks as i watch hiccup, toothless and our dragons fade into the distance. i sigh and fishlegs comes to stand next to me.

"what are you gonna tell stoick?"

"what hiccup told me to tell him. that he's staying with toothless and that he's sorry"

"okay. do you want someone there?"

"no, i have to do this alone. thanks though, fishlegs" fishlegs only nods and walks off. once we get back to the berk mainland, i go straight to stoicks house. i knock on the door.

"ah lass! what can i do for yeh?" he asks me

"hiccup." is all i say. stoick looks confused and let's me inside.

"what about him?"

"he... he isn't coming back." stoick gasps

"is he...?"

"no, he's alive. he said that he can't imagine his life without toothless, so he is staying there with him. he told me to tell you he's sorry, and to not go after him, because he's leaving dragon island to go elsewhere" stoick looks down

"i... i see. thank you, lass"

"no problem." i leave the house. poor stoick.

hiccup's p.o.v, 3 years later

when i told astrid that i's be going elsewhere, that was a lie. i stayed on dragon island. me and toothless live in a cave cut into the mountain, covered with vines so no one knows we're here. occasionally, the gang come to see their dragons, and do training exercises.

"snotlout, be quiet!" i hear a feminine voice moan. i freeze, realizing their here again.


"cos' i said so" i leave my cave with toothless behind me, and watch as they walk along the beach.

"shh, did you hear that?" the group stops and looks around. i retreat a little, and a few twigs crack behind me
"yeah... up there!" fishlegs points in my direction, causing me to get up and run.

"hey! stop!" astrid shouts. crap, they saw me. i quickly run into the cave and put out the fire. i see their sillouettes outside the vines. by random chance, snotlout falls and comes crahing in. he spots me

"hiccup?" he gasps. the others run in.

"uh... hi?" i rub the back of my neck. toothless just watches.

"what the thor? i thought you left!" astrid yells, angry. i gulp.

"yeah, it was a lie to stop my dad coming after me." i look over and see ruffnut staring at me

"uh... ruffnut? hello?" i wave my hand in front of heer fcae. she just keeps staring

"whats up with her?" i ask astrid. she shrugs

"i think it's because you changed... alot. not in a bad way but... yeah"

"ooookay... well. since your here, do you guys want something to eat?"

"yes!" they all chant. ruffnut finally breaks out of her trance and struts towards me until she's inches away

"hey there..." she says, trying to be seductive. i lean away from here

"umm" astrid grabs the horn on her helmet and yanks her away

"sorry hiccup."

"it's... okay"

"toothless, can you get us some fish please?" toothless warbles and walks out of the cave. i start the fire again.

"so. what have you been doing these past few years?"

"exploring, mostly. not much, actually" i shrug and poke the fire "whats being going on on berk?"

"well, mildew died a year ago, and your dad has been having meeting about allowing the dragons back on berk in hopes that you's come back."


"hiccup, if you say no, thats okay, but can you come back to berk? you'd be able to convince your dad to let the dragons stay. we all miss you. alot" i bite my lip and looks towards the fire

"i... okay. i'll go" i exhale. astrid squeezes my shoulder"

"thanks." she smiles. i return it. at that moment, toothless walks in holding a bunch of fish in his mouth. he drops them next to the fire.

"thanks bud" i scratch under his chin. he coo's in content before laying down on his slab. i quickly cook all the fish and add salt, seasoning and herbs to them. i pass them all out to everyone who thanks me. we eat in silence. once we're done, i stand up.

"right. do you want to head to berk now, or do you want to head there tomorrow?" fishlegs looks outside

"it's not late, so we should go now or the cheif will get worried" i nod, and walk over to my desk that i built, grabbing a basket. i pack some of my things quickly before turning to them.

"lets go" i whistle for toothless. he gets up and follows us to the boat. we get on. the 30 minute boat ride is mostly silent, spare a bit of small talk every now and then. we pull into the berk docks.

"right. take toothless to the cove, and we'll wait for you here." astrid says. i nod, and get on toothless' back. we fly to the cove and set down.

"toothless, stay here. i'll be back soon. promise" i press my palm against his nose. he nudges me gently, and i walk back to the docks.

"let's go" i say once i get there. we walk to the great hall where my dad is. i wait outside while they go in to speak to my dad. i can hear their conversation

"cheif?" fishlegs says

"what's the matter?"

"well, we went to dragon island today and found something" fishlegs says sheepishly

"really? what is it?"

"i'll go" astrid says and i hear her footsteps approaching. she walks out and waves me inside. we walk in and my dad's jaw drops

"hic- hiccup?"

"hi dad..." i look at him. his hair has grayed a little, but nothing else has changed.

"son..." he hugs me tight.

"dad... can't... breath" i gasp out. he lets me go

"sorry son. i can't believe your back. are... are you staying?"

"only if you let the dragons come back." i say firmly. stoick nods

"okay, you guys go get your dragons. i'll make the announcement." he says. everyone cheers.

they all run out and me and my dad walk out, chatting like i never left.

that was so crap that i won't make a part two, but i hope you enjoyed anyway.

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