110- best friends

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ya'll don't get me kicked of wattpad for this please XD

hiccup is 18, south is 14

south's p.o.v

"do you want a hot dog?" hiccup asks me as we walk through the park. we've been friends for a year, despite what my parents say.

"if i'm paying for it, sure, if you think you are, i'm still paying for it" he chuckles.

"fine, fine" he raises his hands in mock surrender. we walm to the little stall and i order a hot dog with fried onions. he orders one without them, making a face

"why on earth would you have onions" i giggle.

"because i like em" the guy gives us our foor and i go into my purse for a ten pound note. i go to hand it to the guy but he shakes his head.

"nah, your brother has already paid"

"for fucks sake, hiccup" i huff as he leads me away. he bursts out laughing.

"i love how everyone here thinks your my sister. like, obviously we're not on a date, but can a 14 year old and an 18 not be friends? it's not even that big an age gap" he shakes his head, making a 'tch' sound.

"that's because you prefer to spend your time with a geeky, nerdy, annoying freshman rather than the other seniors" i say. he sighs.

"stop talking about yourself like that. you're the most mature person i've ever met. plus, being nerdy means you're smart" he takes a bite of his hotdog. i just shrug.

"yeah, i guess so" i grumble. one of his classmates walks back and howls with laughter at him.

"ha! still with your underage girlfriend" he makes kissy faces. he scowls.

"yeah, not my girlfriend, snot. at least i have friends" he yells back. the guy 'snot' glowers before speed walking away.

"sorry" i say meekly. he slings an arm over my shoulder.

"any excuse to cuss my cousin out and i'll take it" this makes me laugh.

"good point. well, d'you wanna head back to my house?"

"sure" we make the walk back to my place, finishing our food and throwing them away. i open the door with my key.

"mom? dad?" i call in. no answer. good, they're not home to pester me about hiccup.

"let's head upstairs" he nods and follows me up. i stick a movie on and we sit on my bed, about two feet apart. hiccup understands what everyone thinks about our friendship, so he tries to make sure i know that he isn't like that. as the movie progresses, i glance at him every now and again. i don't like him an awful lot in that way, though i certainly do to some respect, and i'm sure i'll like him more as time goes on. i don't notice the movie end in my thoughts about other things.

"what's on your mind?" he asks me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"you'll think it's stupid" i say. he tilts his head.

"i doubt it. you can tell me" i sigh.

"it's just... i've been thinking about this a lot. everyone my age has kissed someone, and most of them have boyfriends. i don't want a boyfriend, but i just wanna know what it's like to kiss someone, y'know? i'm not interested in all that 'memorable first kiss' crap, i'm not a very romantic person" i babble.

"i remember being like that. i had my first kiss at 15, and it wasn't all that memorable either. if you want..." he trails off, looking a little conflicted.

"want what? hiccup?"

"well, if i say it, don't take it the wrong way?"

"okay..." i frown.

"if you want... i could kiss you, so you know what it's like" my heart jumps.

"you're comfortable with that?"

"well, it's not meant in that sort of way, so it's fine, right?"

"yeah, i suppose so. you're gonna have to talk me through this, because i have literally no clue what to do" he chuckles.

"okay." he gets on his knees, facing me, and i do the same. my heart is literally punding out of my chest right now. he shuffles closer, so our knees are touching, then he reaches out his hand and cups my cheek. nodding in the questioning way to make sure i'm still okay to do this. i nod back. he brings his face closer to mine, so now he's only around an inch away. i can smell his minty breath and i'm internally questioning whether the onion has lingered on my own, until i remember i had been chewing on gum ever since i got home, only spat out around 3/4 of the way through the movie. the second his lips press properly against mine, my heart jumps into my throat. i hesitantly wrap my arms around his neck and shift closer. i feel his hands trail down and grip my waist. he surprises me by sitting back but pulling me with him, so he is resting against the headboard and i'm kneeling above his lap. he pulls back just a little.

"tell me if you want me to stop" he whispers. i nod and go back into it. his lips are a little more urgent against mine, and the kiss changes. at first, it didn't move, but now he pulls his lips back and pushes them against mine continuously. i feel my face heat up, and i know i'm blushing. never did i think i'd be sat on hiccup's lap, making out with him yet here we are. i almost faint when i feel his tongue brush against my lower lip. on instinct, i part them, and his tongue snakes out to touch mine, making my head spin. i don't register the fact that we have now been in this position for 20 minutes, as i currently don't have enough focus for that. all of my focus is going to doing this right and not passing out. he slowly pulls away.

"was that okay?" he asks.

"y-yeah... a little mind blowing, to be honest" he chuckles.

"i'm not that great a kisser south"

"i'd have to disagree" i climb off him.

"sorry that i made you do that" i rub the back of my neck. he looks at me questioningly.

"i pitched the idea. i wish someone had done the same for me when i was 14."

"i suppose" i lean back against the headboard.

"i dont know what we're supposed to do now" he chuckles.

"let's watch another movie" i nod and put another movie in the slot. it's weird, we're acting as if it never happened. but, at least i'm glad that i lost my first kiss to him. better him than anyone else.

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