115- deep in the meadow

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Sorry for the previous chapter. It was probably pretty annoying. Anyway, here's this.

Hiccup is 25

Hiccup's p.o.v

"Can you sing me the song? The one you do?' My daughter asks me as I tuck her into bed. I smile, leaning over to kiss her forehead.
"Of course." I then proceed with the gentle sing that my mother used to always sing to me. I'm vaguely aware of south who is stood in the doorway, watching. (Play the song at the top)
"Deep in the meadow
Under the willow
A bed of grass
A soft green pillow
And when they open
The sun will rise
Here it's safe
Here it's warm
Here the Daisy's guard you
From every harm
Here your dreams are sweet
And tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place
Where I love you" i finish the song, stroking her hair. She's now fast asleep, so I kiss her forehead again, turn on the nightlight, turn off the lamp then quietly leave the room with south. We shut the door to our room and she smiles at me
"You always sound so beautiful when you sing" I smile lightly back at her
"It's not so great" I say, sitting down in the bed.
"Lies. It's just as beautiful as it was when you would sing it to me" she leans her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her.
"We should get some sleep" I tell her. She nods and stands up, walking to the dresser to grab her Night gown. I just stop my clothes and pull in a fresh pair of boxers before crawling into the sheets. She joins me and lays down, her head resting in my shoulder.
"Sleep well" she whispers.
"I love you" I whisper back. She pressed a kiss to my lips before sighing and cuddling into me, I fall asleep pretty fast.

My eyes flicker open. It's still dark, maybe about 3am? I'm laying on my back. I go to roll over, but I find i just can't. It's like I'm frozen. I look around, and my eyes are drawn to the chair in the corner of the room, it was empty when I went to sleep, but now maple is sat in the chair, watching me. I try to call out to her, to get her to come to me, but I can't speak. I peer at her as my eyes adjust to the darkness. Her skin is ashen, her eyes sunken and hollow. Is she sick? She lifts her arm, and trails her fingers down it. Her skin peels away and she just watches it. Something isn't right. I try to move again, trying to wake south so she can tell me I'm seeing things. Then, maple disappears. I feel a weight on my chest, and I look up to see she is there. She's still peeling the kin away from her arms, legs, chest, stomach, and face.
"DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!" She screams, bawling her eyes out. Her voice is echoed, and it rolls around in my head. I'm drastically looking around, trying to find something to help. I can't see south out of the corner of my eye. The bed is empty. Where is she? Now, mixed in with maples screams, I can hear another voice.
"Hiccup... Hiccup... hiccup... hiccup! Hiccup!" Then, I can blink, and maple is gone. Instead, south is hovering over me, looking worried.

Souths p.o.v from shortly after hiccup 'woke up'

Something wakes me up. As I slowly regain my train of thought, I can hear short, quick, scares breaths coming from next to me. I look over at hiccup. His eyes are wide open, and he's looking around.
"Hiccup?" I ask him quietly. The clock next to me says it's about 3:30 in the morning. His eyes mostly focus in the chair in the corner of the room, before looking around again. Then, he focuses on something above him. He looks terrified at whatever he can see. As a gp, I know exactly what's going on. Sleep paralysis. His eyes look at me, but they aren't focusing on me, as if he can't even see me. I hover over him, calling his name. He still can't see me, and I don't think he can hear me either. I look down and see that he's wet himself, too, so whatever he can see and hear must be that terrifying. My concern grows as I keep shaking him and calling his name. He screams, then blinks and focuses on me.
"Hiccup, hiccup look at me" I say, gripping his shoulder as he sits up and looks around frantically. He does as I say, locking his eyes on me.
"What did you see?" I ask him firmly
"M-maple... she was.... her arms.... her skin..." he keeps talking in these little chopped sentences. Finally, he shakes his head hard and fast, then looks at me again.
"Come on, love" I say. I help him stand (as he's shaking so hard he can't really stand himself) and help him into a new pair of boxers. He's shaking so bad that he can't clean himself up, so I do it for him. I've done much worse in my time, so it doesn't bother me. Just as I'm helping him sit on the edge of the bed, maple walks in.
"Daddy?" She asks. He wordless lay holds his arms out to her, and she runs to them. He places her in his lap, running his hands over the skin of her arms.
"Daddy, why did you scream?" She asks him gently. He clutched her tighter
"Because I was scared, and I thought you were hurt" he whispers, his voice is still shaky.
"No, I'm fine! I know I wouldn't get hurt, because you would protect me" she says to him, and he lets out a little choked laugh
"Of course, baby. I had a bad dream, is all"
"You always let me stay in here when I have a bad dream. Maybe I could stay in here and make
You feel better?" She asks hopefully. He smiles
"Yeah... yeah I would like that" he wipes a tear off his face as he smiles,
"I need to change the sheets first. Why don't you go and make a warm drink?" I ask hiccup. He nods and glances to where he had wet the bed, shame raining over his face.
"Maple, would you help me?" I ask. She nods. Hiccup leaves the room an maple helps me change the sheets
"Why is it wet? Did someone spill?" She asks
"No. You know how when you get a bad dream, sometimes you accidentally wet the bed?"
"That's what daddy did. He was very scared"
"Oh..." we finish the bed (well, all she manages to do is get one pillow into the case) and hiccup comes back in. I heard the kettle boiling, so I assume he's already finished his drink. Well all climb into the bed. Hiccup holds maple tight to his chest. Suddenly, little maple begins to sing.
"Deep in the meadow
Under the willow
A bed of grass
A soft green pillow
Lay down your head
And close your eyes
And when they open
The sun will rise...
Here it's safe
Here it's warm
Here the Dailey's guard you
From every harm
Here you dreams are sweet
And tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place
Where I love you..."
hiccup lets out a quiet sob and buries his head in his daughters hair, crying to himself.
"T-thank you, sweetheart" he manages to say through his tears. Maple reaches up and gently wipes his cheek, making him cry more.
"Gods, how did I get so lucky" he looks at his daughter with such love and pride it makes my own throat tight.
"You didn't, daddy. I'm the lucky one" she says to him. He shakes his head and buries his head in her hair again.
"I love you, baby girl" he says. She grips his finger in her little hand
" I love you too, daddy. And you, mommy" I chuckle and wind my arms around them both, so maple is squashed between us.
"Go back to sleep" I whisper. Hiccup nods and gently kisses my cheek, before closing his eyes. Once I know they're both sleeping, I allow myself to fall asleep too.

Well, crap as always. Kinda cute, tho.

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