78- one night stand gone wrong... or right?

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this is admittedly very similar to my chapter 'this is my family'

hiccup is 22, south is 22

south's p.o.v

i feel pretty groggy. most definetly a hangover. i went clubbing with some friends last night, and had way too many drinks. i groan, rubbing my forehead. as i open my eyes, i'm aware that this most definetly is not my house. i look to my right and see all my clothes on the floor. great. i look to my left and see the empty bed. whoever i hooked up with isn't here. i have a vague memory of chatting to a man my age. good looking. i remember seeing his green eyes. we kissed in the club, then got a taxi to his place. then, it's a little blurry. i remember... making out, then laying in his bed, him on top of me. i think he was drunk too, but i have no idea. we most defiently hooked up. i sigh when i think about the fact that i lost my virginity to a one night stand.

i quickly throw on my clothes and walk out the door of the bedroom, finding myself in a hallway. at the end of the hallway is an open door leading to a kitchen, so i go there. at the kitchen table is the man. now that i'm looking at him with sober eyes, i'm shocked at how attractive he is. he has shaggy auburn hair, green eyes and fair skin with freckles. he looks directly into my eyes and gives me a wan smile

"um, hey" he says awkwardly. he's super cute.

"hey..." i say back, slowly sitting in  front of him. he sighs.

"so i have no clue what happened last night. you got anything?" i giggle

"slightly. i remember the club, then getting a taxi back here, then we er... hooked up" he nods slowly.

"oh that's lovely. i'm sorry if this offends you, but i really don't remember your name" i laugh.

"that's okay. i don't remember yours either. i'm south grimborn"

"hiccup haddock. nice to meet you... sober" we both laugh. at least he has a sense of humour.

"i'm gonna be straight with you. i've never had a one night stand before. actually, i'd never even hooked up with anyone until last night" i say. he freezes

"oh... i'm sorry" is hrug

"it's okay. it's not like  i have anyone special to give it to anyway" i shrug, actually not upset at all.

"still. i've never had a one night stand either, and although i wasn't a vurgin, it's still kinda new and i'm not sure if there is an etiquette for this?" i burst out laughing.

"ah, i don't think there is. from what i know, whoever usually sneaks out before the owner of the house wakes up and they never speak again" i stop laughing, shaking my head with mirth. he thinks for a moment

"i'd... like to keep in touch with you. if you want to. you seem really nice, and i don't have many friends" he says. i smile and gently lay my hand on top of his

"i'd love to. i have to go, but i'd love to keep in touch with you. what's your number?" i hand him my phone. he punches in his number with a smile. i laugh when i see he listed his contact name as 'auburn fishbone'

"i'm keeping that" i laugh. i pause for a minute before turning around and leaning down, cupping his chin. i gently press my lips against his in a soft kiss. he kisses me back, holding my cheek. after a few minutes, i pull back and smile


"bye" i giggle slightly and walk out of the house, a big smile on my face.

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