69- one big family

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wink wonk

hiccup is 16

stoick's p.o.v (ooh)

as i walk into my house, i'm greeted by the sound of loud music coming from my sons room. i know he has his girlfriend over. out of curiosity, i walk up the stairs and peer into his room, which has the door cracked open. there, they are dancing around, albeit terribly. i smile at the sheer love running between them. the song playing is the easily recognisable 'summer of 69' by bryan adams. i watch for a moment as they jump around, laughing and playing. then, the song changes to another i recognise, demons by imagine dragons, as one of my sons favourite songs. they stop jumping, and hiccup looks at his speaker for a moment, before turning to south and smiling, taking her hand. they begin to slow dance, swaying back and forth. she leans her head on his shoulder, him resting his chin on the top of her head. his eyes are closed. through the music, i hear him mumble 'i love you' to her. i don't hear her reply, but from the look that crosses his face, i think she must have said it back. i slowly back up and walk back down the stairs, sitting at the kitchen table. hiccup and south got together when they were 13. i remember hiccup coming home with her a few weeks after, and how nervous and shy she was. over time, i've come to see her almost like a daughter to me. her parents are lovely people, johann and megan trader, who support them as much as i do. i pull out my phone and go onto the internet, beginning a search.

about 20 minutes later

after a while of jumping from website to website, i find what i'm looking for. the music upstairs hasn't ceased, and i can hear a lot of thumps as well. i call johann

"hello stoick" the cheery voice of johann sounds after the call connects

"hi johann. i've had an idea, and i think you might agree with me"

"alright, what have you thought of?"

"you agree that south and hiccup are very much in love, right?"

"of course"

"well, i've found a way that they can get married within the next few months"

"really? they can do that?"

"yep. it's a pretty simple process" i tell him. he stays silent for a moment

"i think that is an excellent idea. shall me and megan come over to discuss it further?"

"sure. i'll see you soon"

"see you" as i disconnect the call, i hear a really loud thump sound from upstairs, followed by loud laughter. i assume one of them fell. i chuckle and shake my head. after 10 or so minutes, theres a knock on the door. i open it, revealing johann and his wife.

"hey!" i hug them both and let them in, then i go upstairs to get south and hiccup. when i look in the room, they're still slow dancing.

"hey guys" i look into the room. they look over at me and smile.

"hey dad, what's up?" hiccup asks.

"can you both come down with me? something we gotta talk about" they look a little confused but step apart, holding hands as they follow me downstairs. they get more confused seeing south's parents

"mom? dad? what's going on?" i sit down as south asks her parents.

"take a seat, guys" i gesture to two empty seats. they do.

"did we do anything?" hiccup asks, glancing over at south

"no, hiccup and south. what we're going to tell you is very, very good" they visibly relax

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