5- have you noticed?

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south's p.o.v

"hey hiccup?" i ask my boyfriend out of the blue as we sit on the cliffs at the top of the edge, looking out at the sea as the moon rose

"yeah?" he looks at me

"whats something you have noticed about me? it can be anything." i tilt my head to the side. he visibly thinks for a moment before replying

"well, you seem to depend on physical contact, especially hugs. is there a reason for that?" he brushes a strand of hair out of my eyes

"yeah, actually, there is. as i grew up, my family never really talked. we were never very verbal people, so we showed each other we love one another through hugging and other physical contact. you may think i'm wrong, but underneath everything, my father is a good man. he cares deeply for people. y'know he once told me that he actually cares about you, and does not want to see you hurt. he sees you as almost a friend, but not quite at the same time. this was before we met of course." i smile lightly. he processed this for a while.

"huh. i guess that i would never have seen viggo as the caring type." he smiles

"though now i know where you got it from." he adds and kisses my cheek. i giggle and swat at him

"ow, i swear you and astrid are more alike than is good for you" he grins and i smack him again

"anyway, whats one thing you've noticed about me?" he asks and i think

"you're looking for yourself. as tuffnut once pointed out, finding yourself is a journey that can never be completed, if it ever started at all. this leads to your stubborness, and how determined you are. it makes you a great leader." i reply after a moment

"thats... deep" he laughs, and i join in.

"do you miss him?" hiccup asks after we calm down.

"my father?" he nods.

"yeah, i miss him alot, more than anything. because no matter how much he hates dragons, he is still my father. he was good to me and north, and when we told him we were leaving because of how he was with dragons, he told me to find dragons edge and speak to you. he gave us a map, food, supplies and sent us on our way."

"viggo... let you come to us? his worst enemy? wow... he really does care. alot."

"yeah, he does. i want to see him again." she shakes her head and leans it against my shoulder.

"my father had us at a very young age. he was merely 17 winters. but it never stopped him from loving us." i smiled as i remembered the good times i had with my father.

we stayed in silence after that.

the next day

the horn blows, signaling there is a boat on the harbour. i walk out and se hiccup walking to me

"we arent expecting anyone today?" i asked. he shook his head

"you werent, but i am. after our talk last night, i sent off a terror mail to soemone, and they have come to talk" i grow suspicious

"hiccup..." i warn. he grins

"c'mon!" he grabs my hand and leads me to the dock. there do i see my father stood, looking around. he visibly had no weapons and only a fishing boat.

"d-dad?" i take a few steps forward.

"south my girl... how have you been" he smiles at me.

"dad!" i yell and run and hug him

"oh my girl. i've missed you so. how's life been treating you at the edge?" i smile

"i-i love it here. so does north. hiccup? could you run and get north for me?" he nods and jogs away. me and my dad sit down.

"i received hiccups message early this morning, saying how you wanted to see me again. he said i could come to the edge alone and unarmed. he swore to me it was merely to visit you and north, no ambushes or suprise attacks. one thing i admire about that boy is he keeps to his word." he explains.

i hear running down the peir and see north running here. she looks... angry.

"what are YOU doing here?" north demands. our fathers face visibly falls when she speaks to him like that.

"north... i'm here to see you two. there is no attacks or anything going on, i promise. i missed you both so much."

"south, we cant trust him. at the end of the day, he still sells dragons to people who treat them like slaves." north snaps. hiccup looks concerened. he places a hand on norths shoulder.

"north. i have made sure nothing is wrong here, dont worry."

"hiccup... please can you get tuffnut for me. i think we all need a lengthy chat" she breathes out. hiccup nods and jogs off again

"he cares for you both greatly. may i ask... who is tuffnut?"

"oh um... he's the male twin. absolute goof and funny. we're... together" north shuffles on her feet

"i see. what about you, south?" he smiles at me

"oh uh... me and hiccup are together" i smile at the ground

"thats very pleasing to hear both of you are happy here. the main reason i took hiccup up on his offer was because i wanted to tell you that i no longer trade dragons. the people i was with decided i was no longer useful, and i was saved by a monstrous nightmare." as dad continues to tell his story, hiccup and ruffnut come down.

"i'm back" hiccup sits next to me and i lean against him. tuffnut sits with north and says something to her that i dont hear, but it makes her laugh.

"so, viggo. another reason i called you here was to talk to you personally about a truce."

"no truce will be necassary, hiccup." my father smiles. hiccup frowns

"you see. i am out of the dragon selling business. i began to see sense after krogan and johann tried to kill me and i was saved by a dragon. i saw what dragons truly are." he smiled, and so did hiccup

"well that sorts that. where are you currently staying?" hiccup asks

"nowhere in particular, i travel on the boat." he smiles.

"you are welcome to a place here, viggo, if you stay true to your word that the dragons will not be harmed" i smile wide and look at hiccup. he smiled getnly back down at me.

"i will take you up on this, hiccup. i cannot thank you enough for taking in and taking care of my girls."

"they're some of the best people i've ever met. why wouldnt i?" he smiles and i kiss his cheek, south leans over and punches his shoulder

"that, and south can make wicked yak chops. better than heathers!" tuffnut grins

"wow, feeling the love here, babe" north fake pouts at him

"what? you cant ignore the yak chops, northy." he laughs

"yeah yeah." she rolls her eyes

"so. lets all head up to the edge. me and hiccup will give you a tour. for now, you will have to stay either in the clubhouse or camping outside, since me and hiccup share a hut, as do north and tuff" my dad shrugs

"fair enough. as long as i get to be with my girls" he smiles, and so do we.

today was a good day.

so this was trash, and i overused the words smile and smiles like an idiot, but oh well. what can ya do at 2 in the morning? please leave suggestions, im running dry over here haha.

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