74- be proud

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oki so i am mixing it up slightly, instead of hiccup being south's teacher, south is hiccup's teacher! huzzah!

hiccup is 18, south is 21

south's p.o.v

it's 7:30 in the morning. i'm in my classroom, setting up for my 1st period lesson. school doesn't start for another hour, so i'm scared half to death at the sound of the door opening. i swing around to see my star student, hiccup haddock, shuffle his way in, gingerly, as if he's in real pain. i watch as he makes his slow way to his desk, slumping down and resting his head in his hands. i don't think he knows i'm here. he has his hood up, so i can't see his face, though i can see his hand which is bruised and swollen, very clearly broken. i walk up to him and sit in the chair next to him. now that i'm close, i can see him shaking, and small, quiet sobs are coming from him. i place my hand on his back, and he jolts, shooting up and staring at me with terrified, shocked eyes. my own eyes go round when i see his face. theres blood crusted on his upper lip, several lacerations and severe bruising. his nose was swollen too, obviously broken. 

"oh my god... hiccup, what the hell happened to you" i whisper. he shakes his head and slumps back down. it pains me to see the usually cheerful, chatty young man like this. his breaths are short and light, as if breathing was painful. i know that after such a beating, he will be really jumpy, so i gently take his jaw into my palm and lift his head back up, he doesn't fight me, just stares sadly into my eyes. i can see the pain and fear in his green ones, making my heart break for him. 

"please... who did this to you..." i run my thumb over his jaw. he seems to break down, his sobbing intensifying. i clutch him close, and he leans into me, his head resting just under my chin. 

"i...i" he manages through his cries. i lean my forehead on the top of his head, gently rocking him back and forth. 

"i'm...i-i'm sorry" he grips my shirt. i can feel his tears on my skin, but i really don't care.

"hiccup, please let me help you" i whisper. he finally pulls away and looks at me for a moment, clearly debating on telling me. he then just let's it all out.

"my dad found my journal. he read it and he found out that i'm bisexual. he decided that no son of his would ever like a man so he decided to beat the gayness out of me. he beat me for hours. then he um... he cut off all of my clothes and forced me to watch gay porn. he said that if i got turned on, he'd cut my penis off but i managed to escape to my room. i threw on some clothes, grabbed my bag and began walking here. i've been walking since 5 in the morning" he tells me, his voice thick with tears and humiliation. i clutch him to me again. this time, he doesn't cry, just slumps against me, almost as if he's admitted defeat.

"hiccup. you're in really bad shape. i'm going to call in a substitute then take you to the hospital." i tell him. he rapidly shakes his head.

"no, no, please. i'll get put into foster care" he says pleadingly. 

"hiccup, you're 18, that means you have the offer of living on your own. if you'd like, you could stay with me" i offer. his breath hitches, and he looks hopefully up at me.

"y-you'd let your pathetic gay student stay with you? why?" he sniffs and wipes his eye with his sleeve

"half gay, actually, and i'm bisexual too. i know what it's like to be judged and ridiculed for it. you're a good student, hiccup, more than that you're a good person. you're not pathetic. you're human" i tell him. he shudders. 

"th-thank you..." i smile and brush my thumb along his cheek.

"now c'mon. let's go" i help him to his feet, grabbing his bag and helping him out to my car. i put him in the front seat and as i drive, he looks despondently out of the window. when we arrive, i help him in and instantly, a bunch of nurses are running up and putting him in a wheelchair. 

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