146- When darkness falls

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yay finally a Viking one

Hiccup and south are 19, Aletris is 4 and ash is 6 weeks

Hiccup's p.o.v

"I've been meaning to ask..." fishlegs begins a conversation as we fly. I have Aletris in my lap, while south is holding onto ash
"What's up, fishlegs?" I ask.
"Where did you get Aletris' and ash's names from?"  I look over at south. She smiles at me.
"Well... do you remember when we were thirteen, and south got really, really sick?" Fishlegs' face turns grave. It was a difficult time for us all
"Do you remember how her legs were really swollen?"
"Her last hope was a root, called an aletris root. It saved her life. It felt fitting to name our daughter aletris, after the plant that saved her mother" I look down at the sleeping little girl in my arms
"Wow... what about ash?"
"You know how when I... shot toothless down..." toothless grumbles at me, I can tell he doesn't want me to feel guilty about it.
"The tree he crashed into and destroyed was an ash tree."
"I see" he chuckles and shakes his head at my reasoning.
"That's really sweet, hiccup" Astrid says. I grin at the platinum haired girl
"I am nothing if not emotional" my comment makes everyone laugh, and aletris wakes up.
"Morning, sweetheart" I click the tailfin into place instinctually as I adjust aletris in my arms.

Time skip

"This looks pretty good!" I shout to the other riders, referring to the island we have just found"
"Those cliffs could work! Good sight lines... easily defendable..." Astrid lists off the things that our island needs
"This island is great!" Fishlegs supplies. Tuffnut goes off on a spiel about how the island is too perfect and that Thor seems to think if something is perfect then it's probably bad, or words to that effect. I just ignore him and roll my eyes, landing toothless in what looks to be a perfect place. I walk up to south and take ash out of her arms as she dismounts windwalker. I cradle my son, whom is fast asleep. I wrap my left arm around south.
"What d'you think, m'lady?" I ask her. She looks around
"It's lovely. Bit worried about those cliffs, though" she nods uneasily towards the tall cliffs this place holds. I nod and turn to toothless, looking through the saddlebag as I speak
"Okay, first thing we need to do is make camp for the night. We need dry wood for fire, we need fresh water, and we need someone in traps" I list off.
"Snotlout, What is that?" Astrid asks impatiently from behind me. I turn around to see the others (apart from south) all stood, staring down at something. I exchange a glance with south and adjust ash in my arms before walking over to them.
"It's an S, for Snotlout. I think, aesthetically, it would look nice flying over"
"That's ridiculous. It doesn't matter what it looks like, it has to be functional, and operational" I decide to interject
"Uh, guys, w-what we really need is-"
"Somewhere for rest, relaxation and somewhere safe for the kids" fishlegs cuts me off, looking pointedly at Astrid. I decide to hear him or, simply because he said 'safe for the kids', which is something no one had taken into account yet, apart from south.
"You're absolutely right, hiccup. Meatlug and I have a few ideas" he brings out a shield with a bunch of rocks glued to it.
"Is that a hot tub?" Astrid points to a round this in the middle. Aletris has gotten bored with the arguing and is now playing with toothless.
"No, that's the mud bath! This is the hot tub" he replies adamantly, pointing to another part of the design. Ash makes a grumbling sound, the one he makes when he's getting annoyed at all the noise
"Yeah, tell me about it" I murmur to him, and he settles down"
"Everyone stop: I don't see it" tuffnut says.
"See what?" I ask, exasperated.
"The boar pit. Where is it? Where's the boat pit?" He says dramatically, waving his arms.
"You see, the centrepiece of every good outpost is a boat pit" ruffnut supplies to tuffnuts argument
"Why?" Astrid says, confused
"Everyone needs a little entertainment now and again, don't they?" Tuffnut says leerily to her, and I almost shiver at his tone, yet burst out laughing at astrids shocked face.
"Well, we do know where to get boars..." I've had enough at this point, and raise my right hand to give toothless the signal to fire. He fired right between them, on the S that Snotlout drew on the ground.
"Whoops, sorry about that. So, uh, no that we have your attention, we really need to set up camp for the night. Aletris is practically sleeping while standing up" I nod to the said little girl, whom is fighting not to collapse on the floor. South picks her up.
"Who cares about the stupid thing" I grit my teeth at snotlouts comment. I'm ready to knock him down, but I'm holding ash
"What about-"
"Radadadadadada, we'll talk about the dragon outpost design in the morning. For now, someone needs to get the water" I smirk a little.
"Why don't you?" Snotlout complains
"Because I cant leave south with both the kids."
"...I dunno about you, but I like whiny berk hiccup much more than princess outpost hiccup" Snotlout comments to Astrid.
"I know, right?" They begin to walk away, Astrid throwing me a thumbs up in the process.

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