99- teachers pet pt 5

150 2 0


hiccup's p.o.v

"when you are practising your lifts, remember to protect your neck in case you fall, and-" i'm cut off from my talking and writing on the board by something hitting the back of my head. i turn around, picking up the screwed up paper ball before raising my eyes at the class who are all sat in chairs in front of me.

"okay, hilarious. what is this, primary school?" the class snickers, making me roll my eyes. south is sat gloomily in the back corner. i haven't been able to talk to her yet. i turn back around and continue my lecture, drawing a diagram, before i get hit in the head again. i sigh and pick the paper ball up again. 

"okay, who's doing this?" my eyes flash to south, as i know she would tell me, but i get a shock when everyone points at her. she just huffs.

"south?" she slumps in her seat, resting her crossed arms on her knees. i sigh.

"okay, go wait outside"

"gladly" she stands up and strides out. i bite back the urge to go to her and make her feel better. i finish the lecture and send everyone off to go to their partners and practice. i go outside. south is sat on the floor, one leg out in front of her. i crouch next to her.

"south? what are you doing?" i ask. she gives me a look.

"sitting down, in case you didn't notice" i frown.

"south, you're putting me in a difficult position here. you know i don't want to get you in trouble, but right now, i don't have much of a choice." she rolls her eyes.

"why are you acting like this? you were okay this morning" she's been staying with me since she was attacked 3 weeks ago. when i woke her up this morning, she kissed me and made me a coffee, so i don't know what i did to make her so upset. 

"do i have to tell you everything? you're not my dad" i just can't get angry at her, but i really don't want her being like this to me. 

"south, i really, really don't want to fight with you. if you don't tell me what happened, i'll have to get mr fisher down here and you can tell us both." she sighs, looking down. i glance into the drama room before gently taking her hand in mine. she looks up at me, tears in her eyes.  

"i... i just want a break. i don't want to do this anymore..." she sobs. my heart breaks. 

"w-what? you're breaking up with me?" her eyes widen.

"no! no, that's not what i meant!" i sigh in relief. 

"gods... then what is the matter?"

"everything. everything in my life is falling apart. you are the only thing i have anymore" she sobs. 

"you know i'll always be here for you. you have north, your friends, astrid"

"no... north is in hospital, my friends have all ditched me because i'm not cool enough, and astrid isn't talking to me" 


"i don't know... i feel like you;re going to leave me too"

"no, i won't leave you. i love you. why is north in hospital?"

"s-she tried to k-kill herself. she's in a coma" i gasp.

"oh god... is she gonna be okay?"

"we don't know." i hug her, cradling her head against my chest. she grips my arm as she sobs. 


"it's what i'm here for. c'mon, i'll take you to the staff room at break and make you a hot chocolate"

"o-okay" i stand up and help her up. i wipe her tears with my thumbs and take her back in. she goes to her partner with an apology, before getting on with the work. i wipe down the board and begin writing up the homework assignment, which is to write about the lifts. at break, i take souths shoulder and walk her up to the staff room. a few other teachers are there.

"mr haddock? why is a student here?" the oh so very vindictive mr mildew says. i want to roll my eyes.

"she's had a rough day, i'm just making her a drink." 

"she can get 'er own damn drink"

"no, she can't" i begin making the hot chocolate. the headmaster walks in as i'm handing it to her.

"mr haddock, south grimborn, what is the meaning of this?" i feel a little nervousness, he's already onto us from last time.

"south, go sit down" i gesture to a seat. she gingerly takes it. 

"since the attack, her sister tried to commit suicide. she looked terrible, and i didn't have my flask today so i figured i'd bring her here and make her a drink"

"you seem awful sweet on this student"

"she's had a rough life, and i'd like to think that even by being nice, i can help just a little bit."

"very well." the headmaster leaves. i sit down with her. i feel she needs a little reassurance, so i begin tapping my finger on my desk in rhythms of three. 

i love you

she soon notices and smiles, copying my action. 

at home

i lay on the couch, south snuggled against my side. her head is laying on my chest. i gently kiss her hair, and she looks up at me.

"i'm sorry..." she whispers, looking away from me. 

"what for?" i gently card my fingers through her hair.

"for being so rude earlier. i was so upset, and i took it out on you. that wasn't fair."

"well, you're right, it wasn't fair, but i understand. i mean, you have every right to be upset. you're handling it way better than i could. i might go and yell at astrid, though. she shouldn't be blanking you"

"it's so upsetting because i know why she's blanking me, so i have no idea what i'm supposed to do."

"why is she blanking you"

"she started ignoring me two weeks ago, so last week i went to her and asked her why. she yelled at me, calling me a whore. she said she was in love with you, and wanted you for herself. i think she's counting on me feeling bad and breaking up with you, but i couldn't do that because it'd break us both. i know that i love you, and though it took me quite some time to believe it, i know that you love me too." i kiss her head again.

"i think astrid is just being petty, like, shit, i've had multiple students and teachers leave me love notes, it's like, back on berk, i was avoided like the plague and now, suddenly, i'm in everyones eye? i don't like it, because i'm with you, and that's the only place i want to be. i don't want you to feel like i might break up with you for one of these people, because i won't. i love you, and that's fine with me" i finish my corny little speech. she leans up and presses her lips against mine. i get a thought, and smirk into the kiss. she pulls back, eyeing me.

"you're smirking. what have you thought of?"

"i think you need to be punished for being rude to me earlier" i murmur. she blushes a lovely rose red as i snake my hand lower, slipping it into the band of her leggings. her eyes are wide, yet a little glassy with lust. i bring my hand around to rub her through the thin fabric of her panties, and i'm pleased to find she's already wet. 

"already wet for me, hmm?" i mumble lowly into her ear. she pants.

"y-yes sir" she whispers, her eyes half lidding. i flip myself on top of her so i'm straddling her, beginning to kiss her neck while still rubbing her. i get to her sweet spot, and she lets out a moan. the second she does, i climb off her, removing my hand from her leggings. she whimpers, watching me. i swiftly grab her waist and haul her up. she wraps her legs around me as i join our lips in a heated kiss. i take her through to the bedroom, shutting the door with my foot.


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