185- parents evening

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Hiccup and south are 15

Souths p.o.v

I can't help but watch him as he sleeps. His bare chest slowly rising and falling, his head tilted to the side, eyes closed, lips parted. I gently reach out and move a little of his rugged auburn hair to the side to get a better look at his freckled cheeks. He murmurs something incoherent and turns onto his side, facing away from me. I sigh and slip out of the bed, the covers falling away from my own nude body, a residual ache reminding me of what we have done, and how it will ruin our friendship. I slip on my clothes and with one last look back at him, I slip out of the door.

6 weeks later

My phone vibrates again. I know who it will be, but just in case, I check. Of course, it's hiccup. I don't blame him for wanting to know where I disappeared to, but 3, weeks after we slept together, I discovered I was pregnant. I used that knowledge to convince my father that we need to leave town, so he can live his life. A tear tracks down my face as I let the phone ring out. God I want to answer, to tell him I'm okay and that I love him, but I can't. I settle with sending him one message.

I love you.

The moment he's read it and starts typing, I block his number. I can imagine the pain I'm putting him through, but his pain would be worse if he were to be tied down by the child I carry. He always used to talk about wanting to own a motorbike and road trip around the Nordic provinces to see his heritage. I just suck up the pain and continue my day.

8 months later

"A beautiful baby girl!" The midwife cheers. I lay back with a pant as she's handed to me. By the gods, she looks like hiccup, with fluffy auburn hair already adoring her head, and I can see him in her face.
"Congratulations, Miss trader. We'll let you get settled: we'll be back in an hour to go through nursing and whatnot" I nod, settling back against the bed.
"Lass... you really ought to tell hiccup" my dad says. I sigh.
"Dad, He has a whole life to lead. He has plans, and hopes, and dreams, things that I couldn't take away from him. I will raise this baby on my own. Maybe I'll tell him later on down the line. He'll hate me, but it's better that he got to do the things he wanted to to first" my dad just nods.

7 years later

Hiccup's p.o.v

"Don't forget, kids! It's parents evening tonight. Make sure you get your mommy or daddy down here, and you can play on the computers" I tell the class as they leave.
"Mister?" Comes a small voice. I look down, seeing kari trader. She's a small, pretty little girl with thick auburn hair and bright grey eyes. Her last name always brings sadness to my heart, knowing how I miss my ex girlfriend.
"What's up, kari?"
"I just wanted to tell you my mommy said she would come today"
"Excellent. I'd love to meet you mother, kari" she gently pats my hand before picking up her little book bag from the floor and leaving the room. I busy myself with preparations for parents evening. For some reason, I keep thinking about kari. Ever since I first saw her, she's always felt familiar to me, like I know her or I am supposed to know her. I've grown an attachment to her and her sweet little charms. Not in a romantic way, of course, that's just gross, but I just feel like she should be important to me, more so than the rest of my class. The evening starts out fairly standard. The kids show their parents to the classroom then wander off again. Each parent has an assigned slot, kari's being last. Finally, 6:15 rolls around, and the door opens. I stand, ready to greet her mother when I freeze, because staring back at me is a face I haven't seen in 8 years. Suddenly, a lot of things make sense.
"South..." I whisper. She takes a step back
"Kari, c'mon" she gently tries to tug kari out of the room.
"South, don't leave again!" I plead. She exhales and nods slowly.
"Okay. What do you want from me, hiccup?" Kari has already wandered off, obviously thinking this is normal. I search souths face. She hasn't changed in the slightest.
"You left after we... This is why?" I gasp. She nods, wiping a tear from her cheek
"You always talked about everywhere you wanted to go, everything you wanted to do. Then I fell pregnant. I couldn't stop you from enjoying your life, so I convinced my dad and we moved to northlander. I gave birth to kari nine months later..." she sniffs.
"Kari is... my daughter?" She nods.
"I'm so sorry, hiccup. I get that you'll hate me..."
"Gods no, South. I understand. I really do. You wanted to protect me" I place my hand on top of hers.
"Will... will you stop her from seeing me, now that I know?" Her head shoots up.
"Of course not! She's your daughter, even if I wanted to keep her from you, a very small custody battle would mean she's all yours. I'm down on my luck and I have to sleep in the sofa because all I can afford is a one bedroom ratty apartment on Zippleback street" I gasp. Zippleback street is known for being the prime place for murders, rape, and robbery.
"I'm not going to fight for custody of her, because that's not fair. I... I do want her living with me, though. Zippleback street isn't the place for a child." She chokes out a sob.
"I understand..."
"You didn't let me finish. I want her living with me, and you, as well." Her eyes widen
"Yes. I still care about you. I've been searching for you for eight years, but it's like you vanished. No social media, nothing." She nods
"I couldn't risk it. I know how stubborn you are, you don't let go easily." I chuckle lightly.
"You're right. We should probably get on with the parents evening" South laughs
"Sure" I explain to her how well kari does in class, and how kind she is. South smiles proudly.
"You raised her very well, South. She's my best student, no doubt" she grins
"Thank you, but she's got an awful lot from her father. She's just as courageous, imaginative, caring..." I smile lightly at her.
"You two should probably go home..." I sigh, feeling my chest constrict as I talk.
"Well... you could come with?" I smile
"Sure, go call kari in" She stands and pokes her head around the door. Kari walks in, and the moment I see her, I suddenly realise that she looks almost identical to me, apart from her bright grey eyes. My breath hitches
"Are we going home now, mommy?" South kneels down.
"In a moment hun. Do you remember when we spoke about your daddy?" She asks her. I hang back.
"Yeah, you said that he was nice"
"As it turns out, baby, he is your daddy" South nods to me. Kari looks confused
"But... he's the teacher"
"I know, but he is also your daddy"
"Woah..." she wonders over to me. I smile and kneel down in front of her.
"Hey kari..." I whisper. She buries herself in my chest. I freeze for a moment before wrapping my arms around her, and it feels like an emptiness in me has been filled.

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