70- coming home

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so hiccup is a military dad in this one, and has come home to surprise his wife and 13 year old daughter, and gets a nice surprise himself.

hiccup is 33

hiccup's p.o.v

i sigh as i dump my heavy bag on the living room floor, looking around and my house with a small smile. i'm happy to be home. i walk up the stairs, knowing the house is empty, and walk into my daughters room. nothing has really changed since i was last here, a year ago. the photos on the walls are the same, her and her friends, her and her mother, and some of her and me. except there are a few new ones. i walk out and quickly move the bag to the closet south doesn't see it. i wait in the bedroom until 2 when i know she gets home from her job as a babysitter. i hear the door open and close, the some footsteps. i expect to see her come straight in, but instead, she walks into another room. i hear some shuffling, then she walks into the bedroom. she turns around and closes the door so fast she didn't see me, before leaning against it.

"hello love" i say softly. she whips around and freezes.

"h-hiccup" she breathes with a small gasp. i smile at her. she hasn't changed much, only aged slightly. i smile at her. suddenly, she comes running full pelt at me

"hiccup!" she yells. i catch her as she barrells into me, sobbing. i rub her back as she cries into my shoulder. i pull back a little, enough to crash my lips to hers, the familiar warmth and tase of cinammon and honey overwhelming my senses after going so long without it.

"what are you doing here you fool?" she asks as she pulls back. i grin

"i came to surprise you and storm" i say, my voice thick. she looks slightly nervous

"looks like i'm going to surprise you, too" she says. i furrow my eyebrows

"what do you mean?" i ask her. she stands up and takes my hand.

"come with me" i follow her into our spare room. i gasp when i see it's been transformed into a nursery, the crib against the wall holds a baby.

"s-south..." i say.

"yeah um... that night before you left... er... meet your son, kendry" she says. i slowly walk over to the crib and see a baby boy. i reach on and gently pick him up, holding him close.

"hello little kendry" i murmur to him. the small boy giggles, making me smile. i look over at south who is biting her knuckle

"i love his name. kendry. it's cool" she looks a little relieved. she walks over and leans against me, giving our son her finger who grips it in his small hand.

"how did storm take it?" i ask her. she grins

"gods, storm loves the little mite. she was devastated when she found out that i was pregnant and you weren't gonna be here. she thinks your not due back for another 6 months" i frown

"um, yeah, i didn't even know i was coming back. but um... something happened"

"what do you mean?"

"let's just say i was medically discharged from the army" she gasps

"what happened?"

"basically, i was out on patrol with my partner, when we were caught in a I.E.D. he was killed outright, while i was hospitalized. i um... i lost the lower part of my left leg" i put kendry down and lift my pant leg, revealing the prosthetic.

"oh hiccup, why wasn't i called?" she asks me, tears in her eyes. i gently grip her waist.

"when i woke up, they asked me if i had any relatives. i told them i had a wife, they asked me if i wanted to call you, and i told them not to, as you would be too busy to come, and you wouldn't be able to leave storm alone, so i got through physical therapy, then the moment i was cleared, i came straight home" she hugs me. i rest my cheek on the top of her head

"you muttonhead" she mumbles, and i chuckle. i hear the door open.

"oh! storm's home. quick, go hide in her room" i nod and walk away, going and sitting down on storms bed. i can hear south and storm talking downstairs

"hey, i have a present for you" south says

"really? what is it?"

"it's in your room. i'll take your bag" then i hear footsteps, and her door opens. strom walks in and sees me

"dad..." she whispers. i stand up.

"hey sweetheart"

"dad!" she shouts, running full pelt at me. i manage to grab her and pull her up. her arms lock around my neck.

"oh, i missed you" i whisper.

"i missed you too dad" her voice is slightly muffled. i see south stood in the doorway. i kiss the top or storms head and set her down. she pulls back and looks exitedly at me.

"you met kendry?"

"sure did, kiddo. i'm a little miffed i wasn't told, but your mother will get thorough punishment for that" i smirk. south almost bursts out laughing and storm makes a face

"ew dad, did not need to hear that... just be quiet about it, cool?" i burst out laughing.              

"sure, kiddo" i ruffle her hair.  she grins again

"so, to celebrate dad making a show of himself, how about we go out for dinner tonight?" south asks storm, who cheers

"yeah!" i pat her head before me and south leave the room. kendry begins crying, so we walk to his room. i pick him up.

"hey little man, what's up?" i ask cheerily to the baby, who stops crying

"how old is kendry, anyway?" i ask. she clicks her tongue

"well, he turned 3 months last week." i smile lightly

"seriously, i'm gonna punish you for not telling me that i had a son" i wave my finger at her, shifting kendry so he's cradles in my left arm

"well, you didn't tell me you got hurt, so looks like we both need punishment" we both laugh.

"sure" storm walks in.

"dad, can you help me with some homework? i don't know how to do this and you're like, a math prodigy" i chuckle and nod, handing kendry to south who rocks him slowly. i help storm with her homework, and then go get ready to go out. i put on a simple pair of jeans and a button up shirt. south wears a navy blue dress that flares out at the bottom while hugging her curves. i walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waits, resting my chin on the top of her head.

"i love you" i murmur to her

"i love you too" she says back, stepping forward and turning around. she grabs my face and brings me down, kissing me. i smile slightly through the kiss and cup her cheek, pulling bak after a few seconds. i go into kendry's room and pick him up, before walking out to the car with south and strom. storm looks stunning in a black dress with butterflies around the skirt, her hair brushed. storm hates makeup, so she isn't wearing any. we make it to the resturaunt, and we get a table

"dad, how long are you staying for?" storm asks me. i bite my lip

"forever, honey. i'm not allowed to go back" her eyes widen

"why not?"

"well, i was out doing a mission, and i got caught in an I.E.D which is a roadside bomb. i lost my leg" she gasps

"you lost your leg?" i nod.

"yeah. i was out for a while, and came home as soon as i could walk" she's sitting next to me, so i lean down and pull up my pant leg, showing her the prosthetic

"i'm sorry dad." i smile and gently stroke her hair

"that's okay, my girl. i hardly notice it anymore" then, out food comes out. we eat as south and storm talk about what they did while i was away, while i talk about the things i did and how afghanistan was. soon, we head home. storm heads to bed as south puts kendry down, leaving me and south the time to rekindle our love... as long as we're quiet about it!

awwww that was so cuteeee

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