53-what do we do?

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so this is based loosely off of my chapter teachers pet, with hiccup being south's teacher. very big smut warning. NSFW/L

hiccup is 21, south is 17.

south's p.o.v

my eyes flicker open at the light streaming through my bedroom window. i let ou a small groan and get out of bed, going into my bathroom. I woke up early this morning, so I jump in for a cold shower, shaving my legs, arms, and... other places. my music plays as i was myself, the cold water giving me chills yet waking me up. i step out, drying myself off. I don't have anything to do today, so i go on google and search up some things to do. I find a cheap swimming centre near me, so I decide to go there later on. I chuck my swimming costume into my bag and a towel, before going downstairs. I eat and watch some tv while i wait for the centre to open. as soon as it get's to 5 o clock, i head out the door and swing myself onto my bike. before too long, I end up outside the brick building.

"um, one for swimming please" i ask the lady at the front desk

"that's £2.80" I hand her a two pound coin and a one pound coin, before heading through to the changing rooms. my costume is relatively simple, grey and white thin strips with no sleeves or back, just a thin bit of fabric that loops around my neck. I slip into the pool, being instantly surrounded by the lukewarm water. i swim up and down for a moment, being that I am the only one is the pool. i hear the door swing open, so i look over and see who came in. a tallish man with auburn hair and green eyes. I almost let out a yelp when i realise that it's my English teacher, mr haddock. i keep swimming so he doesn't notice me. I hear the changing room dorr open and he emerges. I quickly take in the sight of him. goddamn, when did he get so muscular? and he has a prosthetic leg? I quickly look away, but he seems to spot me. shit.

"south grimborn?" he tilts his head.

"um yep... hey mr haddock" I give an awkward wave. he slips into the pool next to me. he lightly treads water as he grins at me.

"it's nice to see you! how are you?"

"i'm uh... alright, mr haddock. how are you?" i mentally scold myself for being so awkward, though he doesn't notice.

"i'm quite well. come for a swim?"

"no, I thought this was the sky diving centre" I can't help but say sarcastically. he chuckles.

"good luck skydiving in here. the closest you're going to get is diving" he smirks. we continue talking for a while, just kind of swimming slowly back and forth in the water. after about 20 minutes, I climb up the ladder to go get my hair bobble. i can feel his eyes on me as i walk to my locker, open it and grab my bobble. I tie my hair up and go back into the water. he has an unreadable expression on his face.

"mr haddock, are you okay?" he blinks and clears his throat

"i... yes i'm okay" his eyes flash down my body, making my face heat up, but I pretend I don't notice.  we continue to talk for a few more minutes, but his tone is rather distracted as he stares at me. before long, we both fall silent. suddenly, his hands grip my hips and pull me against him. I don't have time to react before his lips smash against mine, trapping me in a hungry kiss. i kiss him back just as hard, breathing heavily and nipping at his lips. the lifeguard doesn't even notice us making out at the edge of the pool. mr haddock has my body pressed against his and the wall, the coldness of he ledge pressing against the small of my back. he trails his lips across my jaw and down my neck.

"how about we take this back to my place?" he whispers huskily against my neck. I nod, my mind numb from the sensations his lips bring me. he pulls away and hauls himself up the side and helps me up, before briskly walking into the men's changing room. I do the same, grabbing my bags and walking into the females. i don't even bother drying off, i just throw on my clothes and dash out, my mind dazed, wanting nothing more than to feel his kiss on my skin again. he's waiting outside, and as soon as he see's me, his muscular arms lock around my waist, pulling me into another hot kiss. this one is only a few seconds long, before he turns on his heel and practically drags me outside, barely sparing a glance to the receptionist as we pass her. e leads me to a black car, opening it and climbing inside. I do the same, not even remembering my bike in my dazed state. he drives off. the drive is short and silent, my body almost fizzing in anticipation. he parks the car outside a simple but nice house, getting out. I follow, and walk around the car. he leads me in and as soon as the door closes, he smashes me against it, pulling me into et another lustrous kiss. all coherent thought disappears, all the warning that shouting how he is my teacher, and we could get into so much trouble. i care about none of that, only the feeling of his fingers pulling my shirt up, exposing my black bra. he chucks the shirt somewhere in the room, not that i care where. I deftly pull his shirt off too, throwing it behind me. i ditch my shoes, as does he, before he grabs my thighs and pulls me up, locking my legs around his waist. I hardly notice him walk into a bedroom, laying me down on the bed. he hovers over me, kissing my neck while using one hand to unbutton my jeans. he begins to pull them down, and I kick them off the rest of the way. I pull of his pants, so now we're just in our underwear. i arch my back to give him access to the clip on my bra, which he quickly unfastens and pulls off, revealing my breasts. he kisses down to them, making me shiver with pleasure as heat slowly builds around my sex. his lips continue down my stomach, stopping at the band of my underwear. he looks up at me, almost as if asking for permission. i nod eratically, giving him a look that can only be described as pleading. he then pulls them down and tosses them on the floor. I blush and look away from embarrassment, but he doesn't care. he kisses up and down my thighs, teasing me. I whine and try to push myself down towards his mouth, needing more. he finally gives a breathless chuckle before licking up my folds, making me moan raggedly. for a small while he drives me nuts with his tongue, making me cry out. i can feel the heat building inside me. just before I come undone, he pulls away, making me whine. he crawls back up, capturing my lips with his. i can taste myself on his tongue, making me hum in satisfaction. I pull down his boxers and throw them back, lining him up.

"wait, I don't have" he says breathlessly. I shake my head

"i'm on the pill" he looks at me like i'm a small miracle before he slowly enters me. I hiss slightly at the stretch. when he is all the way in, he stays still so i can adjust. I soon nod at him to move. as he slowly thrusts into me, all my nerves are alight at the same time. I cry out.

"ah! f-faster!" I mon. he flips us over so i'm sat on his lap, bouncing up and down as he grips my hips. i let out a loud cry when his member hits my spot. I grip his shoulders in my hands to help me keep my balance. the heat builds and builds until it becomes unbearable. with a cry, I release all over him, just as he let's out a loud groan, throwing his head back before releasing inside me. I slowly lift myself up and let out a small sigh at the feeling of him sliding out of me, before collapsing next to him. we say nothing, just let out heavy breaths from the exhaustion. i look over at him and give a small smile when i see he's fallen asleep. I gingerly reach over and grab my underwear and of of his shirts, pulling them on before laying back down. i fall asleep to the sound of his breaths.

the next morning

hiccup's p.o.v

I slowly come to, my mind feeling a little foggy. i'm instantly aware of an unfamiliar heat next to me. I look over and almost let out a cry of shock when i see my student, south, laying fast asleep in one of my shirts and her black panties. seeing her makes the memory of last night come back. the feeling of her skin under my hands, her heat encasing me. I shake my head and stand up, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt before walking into my kitchen. the clock reads that it's 11am. we slept for about 15 and a half hours. I brew two coffee's, placing one on the table across from me. I bury my head in my hands, thinking about what happened. how am i supposed to go on teaching her, knowing  what we've done. how am i supposed to even face her after yesterday? i'm broken out of my thoughts by the soft pattering of footsteps that stops at the door. I look over and there she is, still in my shirt and her underwear. she's biting her lip

"good morning" I say quietly.

"good morning." I gesture her to take a seat. she does, gently picking up the coffee and giving e a thankful smile.

"south, um... what happened last night... I don't..." i sigh.

"it's okay. i honestly have no clue how it even happened, but it did, so now we have to face that" she gently squeezes my wrist.

"i know. i'm sorry if you felt like I pressured you" i say sadly.

"no, mr haddock. you didn't. i am just as at fault for this as you are." I shake my head.

"just call me hiccup. I don't suppose it matter anymore" she nods.

"okay. i just want to know one thing" she says quietly. i nod.

"sure, what is it?"

"do you... actually like me? or was this a one night stand? a heat of the moment thing?" i sigh, running my hand through my hair.

"south i... I do like you. I always did, ever since i started teaching you this year. I really wasn't expecting to see you at the swimming baths, and i think that seeing you in such little clothes kind of... tipped me over the edge, in a way. I couldn't stop myself." she stays silent, and i think I fucked up when she takes my jaw in her hand, bringing my lips against hers in a gentle kiss.

"mr ha-... hiccup. i like you too. I always kind of passed it off, considering you are older than me, not to mention how much trouble we'd get in if anyone found out. but being with you... last night... I figured out that i don't really care. i'd take the risk, before we lose the chance" I lean in and kiss her again. her lips move softly against mine, needing the tenderness after how rough last night was.

"i want to give this a shot. south, would you be my girlfriend?" she smiles brightly

"yes" she stands up and walks around the table, sitting down in my lap to bring me in for a warm hug. right then and there, i know that everything will be okay, because i have her.

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