163- sink or swim

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Hiccup is a rich millionaire, South is a broke mother.

Hiccup is 27, south is 23, Amora is 5 and Thyra is 2

Souths p.o.v

"Thank you" my customer says to me before leaving with their cake and coffee. I work as a waitress in a small coffee shop, and I quite like it. It's not enough to keep me and the girls well fed, so I often have to for-go dinner so they can eat. I sigh, feeling the hunger rumble my belly, making it a bit hard to focus. My shift is almost over, so I can go home to sleep it off. Another customer comes up to the counter. He seems about my age, with shaggy auburn hair and bright green eyes.
"Afternoon, Miss" He says politely. I smile at him
"Afternoon to you too, sir. What can I get ya?"
"Hmm. What do you suggest?" It's not uncommon I get asked for my opinion
"Well, I personally like the blueberry muffin. It's a great choice" I say
"The I'll take a blueberry muffin and a rocky road cake and... two hot chocolates" I nod and ring him up
"You come here with a date?" I ask curiously, looking around the cafe to find a woman on her own, but there isn't one.
"Oh, no, I'm in my own. However, if you would, I would like you to join me for cake and hit chocolate?"
"Well... my shift is pretty much over..." I think about it. I check the time. It's only two pm, so the girls don't get home for another hour and a half. Amora walks from the primary school, and Thyra is taken home at 4 by the daycare teacher
"Oh, why not" I say. He grins. I hang my apron up and walk around the counter as my coworker takes my place. I smoothie down my dress and sit down. He slides the hot chocolate in front of me, alongside the blueberry muffin
"Here" I fish into my pocket and pull out all of my change
"It... it doesn't cover the hot chocolate, but it should be enough for the cake"
"None sense." He slides my money back
"No, no. I can't let you pay for my food and drink"
"Course you can. Just put your money back in your pocket and voila! You let me pay" He says sarcastically. I laugh a little, but slip my money back into my pocket
"Fine" he grins back at me
"Good! Now. What's your name?"
"South trader, sir" he snorts
"C'mon, honey. You're not working now. Just call me hiccup"
"Alright. Nice to meet you, hiccup" I shake his hand. I take a bite of my muffin and instinctively let out a groan at the feeling of finally eating something
"That Good, huh?" He chuckles
"That, added the fact I haven't eaten I -" I cut myself off. I don't want to bother him with my
Issues. His face softens
"Haven't eaten in what?"
"...3 days" I murmur.
"3 days? Thor, why not?"
"I... I can't afford it."
"You must come with me to my home. I'll make you some proper food" he says.
"I can't. My daughter gets home from school in about 45 minutes"
"...is that why you can't afford to eat? Because you're feeding her?"
"Yeah. I'd probably still be breastfeeding my two year old, but I don't have enough nutrients" I finish the cake and take a drink of my hot chocolate
"Oh my word... I'm so sorry, that's awful"
"It's okay."
"No, no it's not." I sigh.
"I'm glad you care, at least"
"You're a great girl. I've been in here every day for two weeks. I've seen you." I stay silent. I gently takes my hand and links my fingers with his. Despite meeting him today, I feel really... safe around him. I find myself spilling my troubles to him. He listens carefully, offering bits of praise and support or advice. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't be using you like a therapist" he smiles lightly
"That's alright. It helps to talk. I have a therapist, and t helps me to talk to her"
"... I really don't wan to end this, but I will have to race Amora to get home first"
"I'll drive you"
"You don't have to do that"
"No, it's okay" I nod and grab my purse. He leads me out and we walk up to what looks to be a VERY fancy car
"W-woah... nice car"
"Thank you. I happen to quite like it myself" he gives me a grin that makes my heart stutter. He drives me to my ratty apartment building. I see Amora say on the steps, looking around. I climb out of the car and run up to her
"Amora! I'm so sorry!" I scoop her into my arms
"It's okay momma. I wasn't waiting long" I kiss the top of her head. I see hiccup looking sadly at the building. I gently take her hand and lead her over to him.
"Amora, this is my friend hiccup" I say to her. Hiccup kneels down in front of her.
"Hello Amora. It's nice to meet you" He shakes her tiny hand.
"Hello" She says timidly. Hiccup smiles and fishes into his pocket, pulling out a lollipop.
"Here you go" he offers it to her. She shakes her said
"Momma said not to take candy from strangers" hiccup grins at me. I shrug and grin back
"I see." He hands the lollipop to me, and I hand it to her. She smiles at him
"Thank you, mister." He smiles at her. While we're there, a Toyota pulls up, revealing the preschool teacher. She's holding Thyra, said toddler is sucking her fist.
"Hey Miss trader" she greets. I smile
"Hi Miss hofferson"
"Afternoon, Astrid" hiccup greets her with a grin.
"Ah, I knew there was a haddock around here" she swiftly gives me Thyra then his him
"I'm lost" I state. She laughs and pulls away
"This absolute lunatic here is my best friend." Miss hofferson says.
"I'm not a lunatic!" Hiccup defends himself.
"Says the man who is literally sitting on sixty three million dollars and still eats fast food" I gasp lightly.
"Hey, you ousted me! She didn't know!" Hiccup glares at the small woman.
"Oh, Sorry."
"And plus, just because I have a lot of money, doesn't mean I don't like macdonalds" he says.
"Yeah, yeah. Well, I gotta get home. See you soon, guys" she waves before getting back into her car.
"Sorry... I probably should've said something about that" hiccup rubs the back of his neck
"Well, now I understand the car and the insistence on paying" he smiles lightly
"I'm not much for fancy restaurants and expensive clothes and all that."
"Do you want to come in? I managed to pay the heating bill, so it should be warm"
"You managed? That makes it sound like you don't always pay the heating bill"
"I work in a cafe for minimum wage and I have two daughters. Of course I sometimes fall short. It's no big deal. Blankets are cheaper than the bill"
"That's no way to live"
"I know"

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