38- freaky

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sensitive topics here people. south has tourettes, and people will bully her for it. i do not have tourettes nor do i know anyone who has tourettes so my knowledge is limited. if you know something about tourettes that i have left our or gotten wrong, please feel free to message me and i will correct my mistake. also, if you find this offensive, feel free to drop me a message and i will change it or take it down.

hiccup is 15.

hiccup's p.o.v

i've been hearing rumours of a new student. a girl from britain. we don't know much about her. i'm walking down the school corridor, my books in my hands when i hear some people talking

"dude. the new girl is super weird. she kept twitching and clapping her hands and making weird noises. d'you think she's on drugs?" snotlout laughed to his friends. he's the bully of the school. i put my head down and keep walking. i get to my class and take a seat. the bell rings just as a girl i have never seen before walks in. her hair is super long, to her hips, and she has big, round grey eyes with small but plump pink lips.

"class, this is south. please treat her with respect" the teacher drawls, obviously not really caring either way. she lets out a high pitch sound that sounds like 'yip' and flushes with embarrasment. the class laughs.

"quiet. take a seat next to haddock. hiccup, please raise your hand." i do as told. she sits next to me and i turn to face her with a bright smile

"hi! i'm hiccup" i say cheerfully, holding my hand out for her to shake

"s-south. south grimborn." her hand swings up while still holding onto mine, and it clips the bottom of my chin. i yelp.

"s-sorry! i didn't mean to!" she says, frightened. i rub my chin

"it's okay. if you don't mind me asking, why do you do that?" i tilt my head.

"um... i have tourettes." i nod slowly.

"oh... i'm sorry" i say, placing my hand on her soulder. she lets out another 'yip' and smiles

"it's okay." we get on with our work. the classroom is quiet apart from her occasional yip sounds. she also does things like squinting her right eye, shrugging one shoulder, and clapping her hands. i don't mind though.

"hey, do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" i ask. she nods

"really? you'd let the freak sit with you?" she gasps. i shrug

"you're no freak. snotlout always says im incomplete, so i know what it's like to be called things for reasons you can't control" i say, smiling sadly. she furrows her eyebrows

"what do you mean *yip* incomplete?" her eye squints.

"i lost my left leg a few months ago. car crash" i say. she suddenly hugs me.

"i'm sorry. that's awful *yip*"

"s'okay. c'mon, or astrid might kill me" i joke, pulling back. we walk towards the cafeteria

"astrid... is she your girlfriend" i snort

"as if! she's rather date snotlout over me"

"...do you like her?"

"no she's like a sister to me. i don't really like anyone" i say. her face falls slightly but picks back up

"oh, *yip* okay" her shoulder shrugs and she accidentally hits my hip with her hand

"sorry" she squeaks. i chuckle

"trust me, it's fine" we walk into the cafeteria and see everyone sat at a table. astrid, fishlegs, ruff and tuff are all talking as we sit down

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