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Rain. It always made Dick sleepy. Whenever it started raining, Dick felt the urge to take a nap. It was calming, it made him relax. It was good background noise, something besides the bustle of the city and the soft volume of the tv. Besides, having grown up in a house as big as the Manor after an extreme tragedy, noise was good. Noise meant he wasn't alone.

It was also Wally's favorite weather, because he got a sleepy Dick Grayson, and a sleepy Grayson is an adorable Grayson. It's always the perfect time to take pictures, because it was hard to slip away from something you didn't know was happening. Dick usually ended up in the chair or on the couch, tucked under a blanket with a peaceful look on his face that Wally didn't always get the chance to see. 

Wally smiled at his boyfriend, who was curled in the chair. "Someone's tired." Wally teased in a singsong voice, leaning over the back of the chair.

"Shush. You know rain does me in." Dick mumbled. 

Wally chuckled and kissed Dick's forehead. "I know. I love you." 

"I love you too, Wally."

Wally smiled as Pongo, their dog, leapt into Dick's lap and curled up. "Seems like someone else is tired. Maybe you two can be cuddle buddies." Wally chuckled again, sitting on the armrest. Dick leaned his head against Wally's thigh and wrapped his arms around the spotted pitbull. It seemed he didn't have enough energy for a rebuttal. 

Wally began running his fingers through Dick's hair and smiled. He loved being able to relax with Dick, especially after the stressful week they'd had. Dick had gone three days without sleep at the beginning, and Wally had attempted to keep Dick on his feet with coffee and energy drinks long enough to solve the case. Dick had slept for one night before dealing with something else that he refused to sleep for. He still refused to tell Wally what it was.

Wally looked outside, where it was absolutely pouring. Thanks to the storm, Dick was spending the day resting. Like Wally had tried to get him to do all week. "The flowers will be beautiful once this is gone. Maybe we'll find that bright blue one Alfred planted once. The one I said reminded me of your eyes." Wally said quietly.

Dick chuckled tiredly. "Maybe. I think he snuck to the roof garden last time he was here and planted them." 

"Maybe. You and Alfred: the gardening bats." Wally playfully dubbed. 

"Bruce has no green thumb, Jason is too hostile with the plants, Tim is more of a techie, and Dami is Dami. He doesn't do plants." Dick mumbled. Wally smiled at the accuracy of Dick's statement. Besides, Wally had a feeling that Bruce and Tim held a small grudge against a lot of plants due to their continuous adventures with Poison Ivy.

Not long after, Wally heard gentle snores. Dick had fallen asleep, as well as Pongo. Wally had wanted to name him Oreo, but Dick would have died before owning a pet named Oreo. Dick couldn't stand the cookies, and they settled on Pongo. 

Wally smiled and leaned against the back of the chair. It was days like today that he could imagine a normal life with Dick, something a little more civilian and a little less life-threatening. Maybe they would've had kids by now. Or maybe they would've found different jobs, ones that paid enough for them to live in an actual house. Maybe Dick wouldn't be so hesitant to accept help from Bruce. 

It was days like today that he really appreciated the rain.

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