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It is certain that Gu Xuyang's bird can stand up completely, so he said that he has no problems at all?

    Li Yu doesn't know much about male reproductive health and asks for help with an open mind.

    A series of materials were thrown in 1551, which were all densely written, which made people have a headache.

    Li Yu, "You can talk about it briefly."

    1551, "It's not easy, you only know it if you try."


    Li Yu quietly looked at Gu Xu, hairy in his heart, to be honest, I didn't dare to try it, I was afraid of being killed. .

    "What are you looking at?" Gu Xu stretched his face, and the small fire below made a big fire.

    Li Yu buried his head in a guilty conscience and bent a beautiful arc on his back. "Mr. Gu, I didn't mean it." The

    attitude of admitting mistakes is good, wronged, and sincere.

    Gu Xu stared at the neck for a while and glanced across the collar of the wide T-shirt, stopping under the right collarbone of the youth.

    There was a small red mole there, which was larger than the tip of the needle, inconspicuous, but gorgeous red.

    Gu Xu closed his eyes and rubbed his brows, "You are sleeping with Uncle Li tonight." Waiting for

    a long time to wait for this sentence, Li Yu did not do, "What do you do at night?"

    Gu Xuheng glanced at him, "You Wake up? "

    Li Yu," ... "

    Li Yu had no confidence in this matter.

    From the beginning of the memo, his sleep quality is surprisingly good, as long as he is not scared by nightmares as before, he can still fall asleep.

    Li Yu refused to answer, pulled his legs and slipped, and happened to meet the housekeeper at the door, suddenly thinking of something.

    He moved closer and lowered his voice, saying, "Uncle Li, I saw Mr. Xu and Dean Zhou eating together yesterday." The

    housekeeper, "is it."

    Christina Li said ah, "just the two of them, no one else, you say they ......"

    "Chen well." Butler scowled, serious voice, "should not ask do not ask, can not even mention in front of the young master."

    Words When it comes to this, the fool can guess that the relationship between Gu Xu and his uncle is not so harmonious.

    Lee fish cat into the bathroom to brush your teeth, I heard coming from the living room door open, stuck his head out of his mouth bubble, "buy me breakfast."

    Then spit bubbles, rinse mouth, just pull the veil to wipe the mouth a few times, Ran out hurriedly.

    Early in the morning, it was lively outside the community. There are many who sell vegetables, shout, and buy a lot earlier.

    Li Yu bought some casually and carried the bun back. As soon as I arrived at the unit building, I saw Zhou Shuo with a few people staying there.

    Zhou Shuo was upset because of yesterday's affairs, especially the last paragraph on the dinner table. He made it clear that Chen Jing had long known that he was being treated as the wrongdoer.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now