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    Li Yu picked up the fat pigeon, put it in the corner of the room, and put a small nest in the old owner's clothes.

    He sat down by the bed and asked the system if there was an encyclopedia of pigeon habits.

    "Some." 1551 said, "The dove is a very interesting animal, not just memory and has a strong homing, cock of the hen there are habits Yu's wife."

    Lee fish, "......"

    1551 " Yu's wife mainly in the habit, when the latter determine the relationship pigeons, cocks will exhaust all means to chase hens, forcing its homing spawning. "

    Lee fish," ...... "

    he looked to the corner," fat is gray Male or female? "

    1551," Male. "

    Li Yu was inexplicably relieved, and after listening to the system to explain some other pigeon habits, he moved the desk over and placed the temporary nest on it.

    He clapped his hands, moved a stool, and sat at the desk with both hands on his cheeks, observing the fat.

    The little guy seems tired, but because he is not familiar with the environment, he always keeps his vigilance.

    It stands on one leg with one leg, one leg shrinks in the abdomen, and its head is inserted in its wings in a twisted arc.

    Li Yu raised such small things for the first time, and found it very interesting. He reached out and poked.

    Fat Gray fell sideways along the way of strength, it stiffened for a moment, spread its wings and jumped up, looked around at the two sides, and finally his eyes fixed on the new owner's face.

    Li Yu beckoned and greeted him. Fat gray turned his head to stare at the youth for a few seconds, shook his feathers, turned his back to face the man, and continued to sleep.

    Li Yu, "..."

    1551, "Because the pigeons have to undergo high-intensity flight training every day, they have high requirements for sleep quality."

    Li Yu retracted his guilty fingers and continued to poke fingers, holding his arm for a while and stood up. , Find a kitchen lady to borrow needlework.

    He pulled out a soft, torn hole of old clothes from the closet, and asked the system to give a layout of a simple schoolbag, draw a gourd according to it, and make a miniature version.

    Then cut it off and sew each part together.

    The small schoolbag was completed, Li Yu put it next to the fat gray nest, and turned his head to make the second one.

    As he was doing, he asked, "What kind of body is Shi Yu?" The

    system was not sure for a moment, "I try to see if I can open the live, you can compare it yourself."

    Li Yu put down the needle thread, two arms stacked on the table , Staring at the screen intently, as the light screen opened, his closed mouth opened slightly, turning his head to look at the room.


    His cat ears are not in the room.

    Frowning for a moment, I thought about it. It should have been the one that was suddenly pulled by the man when I got out of the car, and the cat's ear fell from the leg into the car.

    Li Yu looked straight at the man pulling out the cat's ears from the inside of the suit. He couldn't help but can't see it. It was quite dull.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now