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    The three stayed in the same place for a few more minutes. Finally, a doctor was late and was Li Yu ’s former attending doctor, surnamed Liu.

    Dr. Liu's face was not good, and his mild eyes were rare with anger and anger.

    He walked in front of the three men and squeezed out a bit of warmth, "I have heard the nurse say, but you also saw that today's situation is special, there are no spare beds and wheelchairs, so ..."

    Zhang Zefeng understood, looking sideways Eyed Qian Song and Li Yu.

    The former is uneasy, afraid of being retaliated against; the latter is disdainful and does not want to ask for help with his face.

    Zhang Zefeng gritted his teeth, "I'm leaving." The

    doctor didn't know the surging of the three people, and took the initiative to reach out, "I help you."

    Zhang Zefeng was so desperate, his face was on his face, and he said lightly, thank you, half The body leaned on the doctor.

    Qian Song rolled his eyes and said, "Fool." The

    doctor's office was very messy, bandages and cotton lay quietly on the plate, no one was packing, and there was a slight bloody smell in the air.

    He explained, "The search team was injured a lot this time, and the hospital was understaffed, so it was

    all messed up and unorganized ." Zhang Zefeng didn't want to listen to these messes, he only cared about his wounds.

    The doctor carefully lifted his trouser legs, probably looked around, the wound was very deep, and simple treatment would not work at all.

    He said, "Operation must be done immediately."

    Zhang Zefeng had already said so much in pain, "Then ... just hurry!" The

    doctor took out the intercom from his pocket and coordinated with the operating room, and soon someone came, Help bring the patient into the operating room.

    Li Yu and Qian Song were waiting in the corridor outside. Not long after, the screams of the broken heart came.

    The two looked at each other, and Li Yu said, "There must be no anesthetic."

    Qian Song, "deserved."

    Thinking of the person next to him as a related household, Li Yu tentatively said, "Song brother, Zhang Zefeng didn't use anesthetics, is there no anesthetics? Isn't it in the warehouse of the institute?" Qiansong

    looked The young man with eyes of detection and doubt moved his lips a few times and gave only a vague answer.

    "It should be gone."

    Li Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, oh, no longer squeaked.

    He knew that Qian Song had something to hide.

    Li Yu looked at the operating room with constant calls, and his heart slowly sank.

    This seemingly orderly, solid underground fortress is going to be messed up.

    Maybe it is today or maybe tomorrow, in short it will not be too far.

    When Zhang Zefeng was pushed out, the person had already passed out with pain, his eyes were closed, his lips were not bloody, Li Yu reached down and touched, and his sweat was cold.

    There was no room in the ward, and the doctor temporarily arranged people in the corridor.

    About half an hour later, Zhang Zefeng's family came. After Li Yu and Qian Song explained a few things, they went back to the institute.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now