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    The tension in his throat dropped suddenly.

    Li Yu swallowed and touched the man's arm while touching the black.

    Feeling the slight dodge, he smiled, "Since I am there, why didn't I tell you not to say anything?" The

    fingers stubbornly walked up the man's neck, stopped and squeezed on the cheek, "A man is here Are you afraid? "

    001 shook his head instead of hiding.

    Li Yu pinched enough, let go of his hand, took out two bags of compressed biscuits in his clothes, and stuffed them into the man's hands.

    He urged, "You stay here honestly, and I will take you for up to three days." The

    moist, fermented air smells a bit dull and uneasy.

    Li Yu couldn't see the other person's face through the dark air, and Li Yu was always worried. He took an old flashlight from his pocket.

    In order not to let the light be too bright, he recruited patrolmen, he covered the light mouth with his fingers and held it high.

    With the light leaking from the fingers, the man's face shrouded in darkness instantly appeared in front of his eyes.

    Li Yu opened his eyes wide and frowned.

    The totem on 001's face is not the same as before.

    Previously it was only on the cheek, when the totem spread to the corners of his eyes, lined with dark ink and dreadful eyes, like a dangerous and treacherous black hole, hiding a deadly murderous intention.

    It's like a sharp blade wrapped in a scabbard. It's scary, but it doesn't hurt anyone.

    Li Yu's heart missed a beat. When the flashlight fell to the ground, he could not pick it up. He stretched out his hand nervously to hold the man's arm, and then touched the other person's forehead.

    Body temperature is normal.

    It should be a fever before he came.

    The target's symptoms are repeated, and Li Yu is more and more panicked, and should get some emergency medicine.

    "Wait, me, I'll go back and get alcohol, yes, I've stolen the antipyretics before, you wait for me, I'll be back soon." He was in a hurry and turned around.

    "I ..." The man said, "I ..."

    "Stop me, I will come back immediately." Li Yu dropped her words, turned to run, and was hugged from behind with a pair of arms.

    001's voice is hoarse and weird, but it is clearer than the first time.

    He said, "Don't go." The

    man's strength was so great that Li Yu couldn't break free. He could only sigh and turned around in those arms, and asked worriedly, "Are you sick now? Dizzy? Halo? "

    001 tried to open his mouth and said two words stiffly," No, yes. "

    The warehouse of the black paint Mawu was divided into two halves by a beam of flashlight. Not far away, footsteps sounded.

    Almost at the same time, 1551, he said, "Someone came up and the bar is a night security patrol."

    Lee fish swollen brain instantly clear, cold face under the command, "let go."

    001 is like a switch being pressed robot immediately let go, In order to show his obedience, he also put his hands behind his back and stood upright.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now