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   Li Yu pushed the door and rushed in. At a glance, he saw the old man with a white beard facing the gate and lying on his back with his eyes closed.

    The old man's hand hangs weakly on the outside, and the other holds a fan of fandom, resting on his leg, his head still crooked, and he can't see any undulating arcs from his chest, which is really scary.

    With a chuckle in his heart, Li Yu's heart beat faster, it was panic.

    Swallowing, he stiffly stooped and gently touched the back of the old man's hand like an old bark.

    It's cold.

    Li Yu was taken aback and took a step back. Then he thought that there was another possibility besides death. Perhaps this person, like those in the office building, was not a living person, but a soul.

    He raised his voice, "Grandpa." When the

    words fell, he finally saw the other person's chest up and down very slightly.

    Li Yu's empty heart fell and patted the old man's shoulder gently. He shouted twice in succession, and the person on the lounger moved.

    The old man frowned, slowly opened his eyes, and took a long breath.

    He looks like a seriously ill patient, with a pale complexion, dry lips, and a heavy blue shadow under his eyes. Every breath, he needs to exhaust his body.

    This situation is indeed very sick.

    Li Yu suddenly thought of the rescue pills in the toolbox.

    He thought a moment, squat down, "We're going cove on stilts town, passing through here, wanted to discuss a cup of water to drink."

    Father older, the brain not very good, long while to react.

    "The mountain? Which mountain?"

    His voice was vicissitudes, with a kind of rough noise, like a sputum stuck in his throat.

    Li Yu froze for a moment, and asked the system to call up the topographic map that was originally simulated, because there was no north-south indication, and it was impossible to accurately determine the location of the town.

    "1551, you can help me choose a location."

    1551 said casually, "Northwest."

    Li Yu told the old man as he said.

    The old man squinted slightly, and after a whole minute, he suddenly realized, "Northwest, Northwest ..." The

    repeater turned around and said for a while. He closed his mouth and frowned in confusion. "There is something in the Northwest, what is it?" , I ’m getting old and confused, and I ca n’t remember it for a while, so let me think about it again. ”There are


    Li Yu looked back at Shi Shiyu in surprise.

    The man looked calm and stood casually, but his eyes were so dark that he was a little scary.

    Li Yu reached out to touch the back of the man's hand and asked with his eyes.

    Shi Yu shook his head slightly and moved his fingers. He caught the young man's fingers, held them tightly, and rubbed the back of his hand with his thumb to take a few attachments.

    "Ah, I remembered, I remembered!"

    Suddenly, the old man got up from the recliner and walked into the house in a stumbling pace. While walking, he said, "Here, he's here."

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now