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   Li Yu's words were like stones thrown into the heart of the lake, which could not cause too much waves, but caused small ripples.

    When Gaia heard the last word, he blinked and there was a hint of emotion in his eyes.

    Li Yu couldn't figure out if this was a coincidence. He pondered and pretended to

    say , "Oh, it was related to ability. The more complete the totem, the stronger the ability." "I didn't say that!" Gaia subconsciously retorted, looking towards The youth's eyes were hostile.

    In order to explore the secrets of mermaids, humans have done too many inhuman things to them.

    Even knowing that the youth in front of him is not malicious to them, Gaia still cannot trust him.

    Especially, now that the other party clearly wants to inquire about secrets within the family.

    But he didn't expect that it happened to be his sudden vigilance, and the answer was exposed.

    Li Yu glanced sideways at each other for a few seconds to make sure he was blind.

    From the first time he saw Gaia in the underground laboratory, he knew that this mermaid was a bit reckless, otherwise he would not use the glass to explode his resentment against Daleson.

    This kind of behavior not only does no harm to Dellson, it is also likely to anger the other party and bring danger to yourself.

    For the reckless and aggressive character, Li Yu still has a way.

    He didn't seem to find Gaia's repulsion to himself, and continued, "Then will you confuse people with your voice like Su Yi?"

    Gaia, "..."

    Why are there so many human words! He grinded the back molars, regretted taking the task, turned his head and whistled toward the sea.

    A female mermaid came out of the water and reached the shoal, her hair wet and slouched on her back, wearing a T-shirt on the upper body.

    The distant shore where the T-shirt came from was probably worn out, so it could barely cover it.

    This was explained before 001 left, whether it is a female or a male mermaid, you must wear a coat in front of the youth.

    This female mermaid is called Lisa. She sat upright holding the shoal, her tail skewed, and looked at Gaia questioningly.

    Gaia, "I'm going to cruise, you look at him."

    Lisa nodded.

    As soon as Gaia left, Li Yu's speech box opened again, and he squatted down to be in line with Miss Mermaid's sight.

    He greeted, "Hello."

    Lisa was not as hostile to Li Yu as Gaia, and in a human language, answered lamely, "Hello, sir." The

    expected cold encounter did not happen, and Li Yu's eyes suddenly It's lit, there is a door.

    "Can I ask you a question?"

    Lisa smiled. "Please ask."

    Li Yu, " Does every mermaid's singing have the ability to seduce?"

    This is the secret of the mermaid, of course Lisa will not answer, She tilted her head and pretended not to understand.

    Li Yu pouted, "Don't pretend, I heard that you and your little sister had discussed, Su Yi's voice used to sing, it must be beautiful."

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now