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    Zhang Chengzheng didn't expect that the young people who were still moderate on weekdays would be upset with themselves, and his face looked stiff for a while before he eased.

    "I didn't want to inquire into your private life." He said in a low voice, "Linzhou Zhou, me, I just want to make a friend with you."

    There is a kind of portrait of brown sugar, looking soft, chewing hard and sticky People, once they are stained, can't be torn off.

    Li Yu met this kind of person for the first time, and suddenly came to a little interest, "Oh, yes, I want to make a friend with you too."

    Zhang Chengcheng was caught off guard by his sudden change, but was quickly surprised "I always thought you hated me, after all ..."

    "After all, people on the island don't like you." Li Yu finished speaking for him, carefully observing his every move.

    Obviously, when mentioning "don't like it", Zhang Chengcheng's arms were stretched and his fists were clenched.

    There should be some anger in his heart, but he did not dare to explode because of his current weak image.

    Zhang honest took off his glasses, wiped with clothes shirt, bow down eye, "Yes, I think they are bullied, I feel I'm a sissy, I did not do anything wrong, what do they do this to me."

    Lee Fish Asked, "How did they treat you?"

    "They always ordered me to say something behind my back, yes, and smashed me with a wine bottle ..."

    Zhang Chengcheng was very quiet, and put on his clean glasses again. On the top, he lifted his lips and squinted his glasses towards the opposite side. "Did you say that they are annoying?"

    From the eyes, he said that annoying is light.

    Zhang Chengcheng should hate the people on the island. What he accused is only a small part of his oppression.

    Li Yu silently asked the system to prove Zhang Chengcheng's past.

    1551 said, "You can only find out what happened on the island after you went to the island."

    Li Yun said, "You said."

    "I think he didn't say enough." 1551 began to cite, "For example, yesterday, he was drinking at a bar, and someone accidentally bumped him. He insisted that the other party was intentional. Later, in the alley behind the bar, he took advantage of The other party was drunk and unconscious, kicked him. "

    " And before, he gave you a light and was blown back by the target. When he got home, he deliberately smashed things, causing the children downstairs to cry all the time, etc. Looking downstairs, I apologized again. "

    Li Yu," ... "

    This is a complicated person.

    1551, "I think Zhang Chengcheng is not as innocent as he described himself. You must be careful."

    Things that are too far away cannot be traced back, and Li Yu can only evaluate Zhang Chengcheng based on what he has learned-

    nerves, being killed Delusion, like to use violence to vent.

    Of these three, no matter which one runs counter to his innocent cowardly appearance.

    Seeing the youth not talking, Zhang Chengcheng began to be disappointed and grieved. "Is it

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now