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    In order to save energy, all temperature control systems will be shut down at night, and the underground fortress is located about ten meters underground, and the temperature is about 12 degrees Celsius.

    This temperature does not cover the quilt, and sooner or later it will catch a cold.

    Li Yu went out with a small pink blanket, cleverly avoided the patrol security all the way according to the system prompts, and successfully went downstairs and drilled into the woods.

    After entering the woods, the system began to guide the road, "Turn right after one hundred meters ..."

    Li Yu followed the instructions to trot all the way to the finish line, but did not see the figure of the man.

    "1551, what about the target person?"

    "Look up."

    001 sat on the branch, leaning back against the trunk, already awake, he sat lazily, bent one leg, and did not put the young man who suddenly appeared below into his eyes in.

    After a brief contact in the afternoon, he has determined that the youth is not his opponent.

    Li Yu freed one hand and waved up, "I'll bring you a blanket."

    001 moved his eyes and landed on the light-colored blanket. After a while, others got up and jumped to another branch. .

    Li Yu feels that maybe every time 001 is beaten, the injury is not serious, and the mermaid's strong body may not be inherited by him.

    "1551, can you compare genes?"

    " Yes ." 1551 said, "but you need to wait." The

    man turned away and disappeared, and Li Yu was not in a hurry to go back.

    He held the blanket hard, squatted under a tree, and said to himself, "I am not malicious to you, just want to make a friend, I will not take the blanket away, you keep it for the night, and Dellson, he Not a good person, you stay away from him. "

    " Yes, I met a soldier today. He told me that the outside world is very exciting and dangerous. I want to leave here. Would you like to join me? "

    The temperature was not high, and the forest was chilly. Li Yu couldn't help it anymore, shaking off the blanket and wrapping it around him.     His

    body gradually warmed up, and the young man yawned, and continued, "Did you eat what you sent in the evening? I will come back tomorrow morning."

He rubbed his eyelids, and he began to feel sleepy. The words in his mouth became Ambiguous, "Don't bother me, I ..."

    "I just want to be nice to you." The

    youth's voice disappeared into the night. After 001 appeared in the tree opposite, he watched him yawn again, tight He tightened his blanket and turned his head to the side.

    001 has a much sharper ear power than ordinary people, and his heart beats with the youth's breathing.

    After a while, the man walked over and crouched about a meter in front of Li Yu.

    The test result of 1551 came out, but it was not busy waking up the host, but observed 001's every move.

    001's breath is very light, looking at the youth's eyes is very focused, full of curiosity.

    For more than ten years in the laboratory, he was faced with Daleson's disgusting face. After leaving the laboratory, he was faced with human abuse and assault, and no one really treated him better.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now