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   Behind the two, the nurse opened her mouth embarrassedly and couldn't bear to destroy the atmosphere of the two. In the end, Li Yu's brain hurt when she thought about things and moved her face away from the man's chest to see her.

    Young opened the man asked the nurse, "how?"

    The face of big brother unhappy face, bite the bullet and cowardly nurse said, "Miss Ma has been quiet, there is a need, you can now go to visit."

    Ma Liya Being sedated, he is currently in a state of unconsciousness and will soon fall asleep.

    A trace of clarity suddenly appeared in the buzzing mind, a series of steps.

    She tried to lift her eyelids, only to see a vague figure.

    She remembered everything that happened before, especially the feeling of wanting to kill the kitchen lady, which was too profound.

    Ma Liao frowned, her irritable emotions suddenly started, she tried to open her heavy eyes, staring angrily at the young man, "Why, why stop me!"

    Really wanted to get up , grabbed the young man's clothes and asked loudly, but she couldn't , The body is as heavy as lead, and it is not difficult to lift your finger.

    Li Yu stood silently beside the bed, and Maria's voice became smaller and smaller, and she soon fell asleep.

    The measurement of the tranquilizer is not high, which means that the drug has failed for ten minutes.

    Ma Liya again after waking up, a lot of emotional stability, saw the bed of the man, she was stunned, "how do you here, I this is how?"

    Lee fish, "think again."

    Is hidden in the fog The later memories gradually emerged, and Maria's eyes went from turbulent to calm, and then to silence.

    She became an out-and-out lunatic. She picked up the knife and tried to deceive the cook from the room and stabbed him to death.

    The bloody picture I saw in the mirror almost came true.

    The brain was still in a trance, and Maria turned over and lay on her side, her legs curled up.

    "Jiang Yuan, I almost killed her ..." Her voice flickered, her hands hidden in the quilt holding her knees.

    Li Yu, "Almost haven't explained it yet, don't think about it too much."

    "No, I did n't think about it too much. If there is a chance, I will kill her."

    She narrowed her shoulders and began to sob softly, "She's always on I said bad things behind my back, I gave her a hundred points of opportunity, but she refused to cherish it. "

    Li Yumei scowled tightly and shouted Ma Liya.

    Ma Lia is immersed in her own world. "Why do you say she refuses to be a good person, keep

    her peace, and control her mouth." After she finished her eyebrows, she changed her sad expression.

    Li Yu thought she was painful and uncomfortable. "What's wrong with you, I'll help your doctor."

    Malia's resentful eyes do not know when she was full of tears, her fingers curled up, her shoulders trembling.

    "Why would it be like this, I actually wanted to kill someone, I was crazy, I was really crazy." Tears rolled down my eyes, sobbing gradually and gradually crying out loud, she kept repeating, "I am a murderer , I am a devil, I am a lunatic ... "

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now