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Gu Xu lives in a single ward.

    It can be seen through the glass on the door, the curtains in the house are tightly closed, only the corner of the room is lit by the lamp, and the light is dim.

    Li Yu took a deep breath, opened the door, and walked in. His footsteps suddenly stopped-

    there was a sound in the bathroom on the right.

    The clattering water sound was very loud, and it has been five seconds since he entered. It is estimated that it was a long time.

    Li Yu, "Mr. Gu, are you inside?"

    There was no response in the bathroom, only the sound of rumbling. After a long time, the door opened.

    Standing at the door is a young man.

    This look of temperament must be that the goal has not run.

    Gu Xu woke up three hours ago. Under the doctor's arrangement, he had already completed various physical examinations. Except for a broken left leg and a slight concussion, there were no other problems.

    Even the doctor couldn't help but sigh, this is a miracle given by God.

    The man was wrapped in gauze and wore a light blue sick suit. His left leg was pulled high, exposing a thick plaster, and he was standing on one leg with a cane.

    Probably because of the backlight, Li Yu felt that the opposite eyes were scary.

    Although I had done several simulated crossings before officially taking up the job, it was false after all, and it was not as good as what came before me.

    Li Yu's heart returned from tension to calm, and jumped into the whirlpool of excitement, both eyes were brighter than the light bulb.

    "Mr. Gu, you're really awake. I'll call the housekeeper immediately." He lowered his head and dialed, and he didn't forget to introduce himself. "I'm your new driver."

    Gu Xu stared at the young man 's hair for a few seconds, his eyes Dim, I don't know what I'm thinking.

    No one answered at the other end of the phone, Li Yu redialed, and reached out to grasp the man's arm.

    "Mr. Gu, I'm supporting you."

    At almost the same time, Gu Xu forcibly blocked his hand, and his face was green, "No."

    Li Yu whispered quietly, don't just don't chant, so the reaction was so big.

    Gu Xujie came to the bed and sat down with his crutches. Even in a sick suit, the momentum remained undiminished. "How is the company doing now."

    Anyway, it is a hard-fought master. The situation is all said.

    The atmosphere in the ward suddenly became depressed and suffocated, and the invisible air became a tornado, trying to destroy everything.

    For a long time, Gu Xu's hoarse voice sounded, "I let Uncle Li pay you the salary." It

    is impossible to go. Li Yu pretended not to hear it and held the phone to talk in the corridor.

    When the housekeeper received the news, he cried on the spot and kept saying that he would be here soon, and told him to take good care of the young and old.

    Li Yu hung up the phone, leaned against the corridor, and asked the system, "Is Gu Xu's data coming out?"

    1551 said, "The touch time is too short, I will try to check it out." The

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now