reality 1

400 19 3

    The sudden silence around him was a loud slap, the dark green face suddenly gloomy, he clenched his teeth, attacked violently, and the weapon in his hand pushed 001 back again and again.

    The opponent's strength is not small, and the attack skills are very strong. While 001 is avoiding, he is also observing and learning.

    His combat experience with Mermaid is still too little, a little carelessness, it will leave flaws, and the other party will hit him directly.

    001 blocked the attack with a spear, pushed hard, and took advantage of the opponent's failure to retreat, heading upward, and at the same time thrust the spear over.

    Dark green raised his head violently, his body drifted away, but his face was still scratched.

    Blood oozed out and floated in the sea water.

    He rubbed his finger across the wound, his eyes sharp, and turned to use a harpoon to lift a rock and shoot it in the direction of his opponent.

    001 did not hide or flicker, split the stone with bone spurs, and patted one of the pieces back with the tail.

    This approach of "relying on his own way and ruling his own body" is like provoking, his dark green eyes are fierce, and his entire face is twisted by anger.

    What really makes him emotionally out of control is that the other party always looks indifferent, as if he is an unknown pawn who is not worth doing his best.

    I thought the other party was young and had little experience, so it was unbearable.

    Who wants to be so difficult!

    Dark green was in a complicated mood, so hard, he launched a melee attack again.

    Two different weapons collided together, ping-pong rang, 001 kicked over, while the other body flew out, he also stepped back a bit.

    Dark green rubbed his belly, his eyes were red and angry.

    He narrowed his eyes suddenly, smiled, and rushed up again, holding 001's spear with a harpoon and picking it up.

    001 knew that this was Li Yu's gift to him, and he was so distressed that he was scratched, and it was impossible to let go. Also, he secretly worked hard and wanted to pick up the opponent's weapon.

    At this moment, two mermaids hidden in the dark suddenly appeared and slammed into 001's back.

    He was distracted and his weapon was released.

    Coincidentally, the dark green weapon was also taken away by the spear. He did not hurry to get his weapon back, but showed the bone spurs and 001 twisted together.

    The bone spurs of the two mermaids are long and profitable, but with more than a dozen moves, large and small wounds have appeared on both sides.

    While 001's bone spur crossed the opponent's waist and abdomen again, he also suffered a bit, and was immediately embraced by his opponent with his arm, and was forced to swim deep into the sea.

    Seeing the color of the seawater in the light screen change from azure blue to dark blue, and from dark blue to blue black.

    Li Yu thought of that dream again, he pumped his heart, propped the boat along and shouted down, "Be careful, be careful under that!"

    Dark green won't sneak 001 into the depths for no reason, there must be something for him thing.

    Maybe it's the environment, maybe some kind of unknown creature.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now