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    Got it, I know too.

    He was hit by two gangsters with different appearances. It is time to celebrate with fireworks.

    Reminiscent of 001's innocent eyes, Li Yu was in a very complicated mood, opened his mouth, and finally made no sound.

    Qian Song approached from behind and slammed it on the shoulder of the young man. "What's wrong with you?"

    Li Yu closed his mouth and shook his head hurriedly. "Nothing, that is, it was scared. That xenophobia died too neatly. I I ca n’t think of who it is or what it is. It can be more powerful than aliens. ”As the words

    fell, he saw that 001 had passed smoothly and put the purification device back down.

    The man continued to move forward, buckled the ventilated louvers with his fingers, removed them, passed through flexibly, and fell.

    The death of Dellson happened suddenly. After that, the staff were under investigation again, and the isolation room was temporarily not cleaned.

    Seeing half of the meat gnawed on the ground, Li Yu almost spit it out.

    Suppressing the upset nausea, closed his eyes and let the system open the mosaic.

    Looking at the red and flesh-colored squares scattered on the screen, I feel that the world has become fresh.

    Li Yu glanced at Qian Song, who was still being interrogated, and thought, he decided to let the system press the pause first, so as not to be distracted when he was questioned, causing suspicion.

    The eyes of the investigation team were sharp, and the head was responsible for questioning. Only one of the others was responsible for recording. The rest were all using eyes to exert psychological pressure on the person being questioned.

    Qian Song was stared at himself uncomfortably and denied with his neck. "After Assistant Su and I accompanied Karin to the hospital, I never came back again. I don't believe you can adjust the monitoring."

    The man nodded and stepped forward. , Stopped in front of Li Yu.

    "Assistant Su, have you ever returned to the laboratory since you left last night?" The head of the investigative team's attitude was a little high, his eyelids drooping.

    Li Yu said no, "I have been shopping outside, not to mention last night. I have been staying in the hotel and have not returned to the dormitory and the experimental building."

    Lest the other party continue to force him, he would not add a sentence, "I don't believe you can check the road and the hotel monitoring."

    The personnel of the investigation team asked a lot of details, and got nothing, and finally went to the monitoring department to get supervision, but found that the monitoring of Lab 003 was not opened at all last night.

    The staff on duty in the monitoring department also froze, and immediately pulled out one to check the line.

    After several setbacks, it was found that the monitoring line directly above the laboratory door was cut off.

    The scene was speechless for a while, and everyone felt that it was too evil and too weird.

    When the matter was found in the end, nothing was found. The high-level manager was furious and ordered security to increase the manpower, to patrol day and night, and install invisible monitoring in the ventilation duct.

    It wasn't until these matters were processed that Li Yu and Qian Song left the institute and found a coffee shop to sit down and take a look at the rest.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now