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   "I don't know ..." The

    child shook his head and knotted his brows. "I really don't know what to say."

    His voice shook uncontrollably when he recalled the collar before being lifted, "That's it I ’

    m scared, I ’m nervous, I want to run away, otherwise I ’ll be killed by him. ” 001 The feeling for Li Yu is to be obedient except for being cute, even if he occasionally complains like an adult man recently, it ’s just because he has just grown up. , The body is too hot.

    You see, he went to the ground to help, and he didn't dare to kill even aliens. At most, he twisted his hands and feet together to prevent the other's injury from healing, and he could stand up and fight again.

    Such a person, you said he wanted to kill?

    Li Yu didn't quite believe it, and smiled at the child gently, "Will you think too much, 001 is not such a person, he will not hurt others for no reason." The

    child smiled bitterly, "I know you

    Unbelief . " He pouted, because when he was going to make a small report, he was guilty and his voice was low." When you are away, he is always cold to me, often threatening me, and killing me if I am not obedient. " It ’s me. ”It ’s

    estimated that the memory was too horrible, and the child choked back.“ Every time, his face will grow older, like this. ”The

    child imitated an expression, to be honest, quite funny.

    Li Yu refrained and pursed his lips and asked him, "Then what?"

    "There will be no more, because I'm going to be scared to death," the child lowered his hands, rubbing his clothes, and continued softly, "He When I'm angry, I can't breathe. It's very uncomfortable. "

    Li Yu understands, the child is talking about the legendary gas suppression.

    But he is more concerned about another thing now, "1551, what he said is true?"

    1551 said yes.

    Li Yu, "Why didn't you tell me?"

    1551, "You didn't ask."

    Li Yu thought about it carefully, well, it was my fault. I didn't care enough about the two children's getting along when they were alone in the hotel.

    So the other side of 001 is cold and merciless, but the gas field can scare people into foam.

    Li Yu caught something.

    001 can not only sense the mermaid, but also suppress the heterogeneity on the gas field. The former is due to the attraction of the same kind, and the latter should be because the heterogeneous genes and the mermaid have similar places.

    Suddenly Li Yu thought of restoring serum. Will the key to the development of serum be 001?

    Could this be the secret hidden in his body?

    He let go of the child and stood up, letting the system switch the screen to the ground, giving 001 a close-up.

    This time he watched carefully, and finally found something strange in Jack's expression, immediately let the system switch the angle, and ran around Jack.

    ... quickly found the crux.

    Below Jack's chest and back, 001's hand was stuck there, and the black bone spur was slanting in the direction of Jack's heart.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now