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    The prey easily escaped from the mouth, which is a shame for the mutant cobra.

    The two snake heads glanced at each other, pulling in two directions, and actually split into two snakes.

    The torn place grows intact at the speed visible to the naked eye, enveloping the beating viscera.

    001 glanced down at his arm. The blood-stained wounds had grown. The snake venom soaked in his skin only gave him a slight sense of paralysis, which did not affect his actions.

    Looking up again, the two snakes have moved apart, showing a trend of outsourcing.

    In this way, when one side launches an attack, the prey can't take care of the other side naturally, and the other snake can launch a sneak attack.

    The two snakes thought beautifully and executed very well. The one on the right took advantage of the timing of the opponent's turn and ejected, opening his mouth to 001's leg.

    Who knows that the opponent seems to have long eyes in the back of the head, and at the moment it approaches, the bone spurs glowing in the face come forward.

    Even if it was a fluke, the eyeball was scratched and it burst on the spot.

    The cobra tumbled around on the ground, circling it again, and raised its head high.

    The injured eyeball has not grown well, and his vision is limited. The cobra can only lean on his head to observe the prey, and the other half of it has launched an attack on humans.

    But humans are too fast, flexibly jumping and climbing in narrow insights, the cobra can feel that the other party is looking for the opponent's fatal point like it.

    001 grasped the prominent cement board with one hand, and quickly analyzed it in his mind.

    This is the second time he has encountered a mutant animal. The last time the hyenas were violent, and they all used a frontal attack. Unlike this time, the snakes move quickly and quickly. Once they entangle their prey, they will break out amazingly. power.

    What's more, the one in front of me, no, these two still have a certain IQ, know how to cooperate in cooperation, and should cooperate inside and outside.

    001 looks at the one-eyed cobra, its eyes are half of its length, and after a complete recovery, he will once again fall into the trap of being trapped.

    Must be quick and quick.

    001's eyes swayed back and forth between the two snakes, his mind suddenly turned, and his body suddenly swayed.

    He calculated the direction of attack of the two snakes. When the other party was ready for the ejection position, he let go of his hand and threw a few bars at the opposite side.

    The cold snake rolled its prey in mid-air and slammed it to the ground.

    The Cyclops immediately slipped over, holding his head, hissing excitedly, ridiculously, spitting the letter on 001's face.

    001 deliberately relieved his strength, so that the cobra could relax his guard.

    The cobra became tighter and tighter, looking down at its prey with its head down.

    The bones of the human body were creaked, it was close to the abdomen of the prey, and it could clearly feel that the human breathing gradually weakened.

    The waste soil is coming, the animals on the land are dying, the mutation is mutating, the two snakes have not eaten such a fresh thing for a long time, they are excited for the food that will come, exchanging some information with hiss.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now