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   Li Yu was not scared, and asked, "Has something happened on the island?"

    Lao Wu said no.

    "I do not believe." Lee fish dragged the man aside, pressing the voice said, "Some people like us want to go back no intention to break into, it is to kill it?"

    "I never said that."

    It seems really had Lee The fish gave him a reassuring look, "I know how to do it." In the

    activity center, the two policemen were sitting precariously, and their momentum was much weaker than the person being questioned.

    My legs overlapped, I took a sip of tea at leisure, just put down the cup, I remembered the clear footsteps in the corridor, and the conference room door was pushed open.

    Li Yumu walked in without squinting and nodded to the police uncle.

    The content of the question is relatively simple. It was nothing more than when I saw the shop owner last night. Have you seen the other people's appearance and heard them talking?

    Li Yu answered them one by one, glancing at the degree intentionally or unintentionally.

    The man sits leisurely and his fingers are slowly banging on the table, not so much as being investigated by the police, but more like listening to the storytelling.

    "We have to understand the specific situation, Cheng please be assured that we will immediately follow up investigation to identify the perpetrators as soon as possible, but also a dead justice."

    Police put away the pen and paper, turned away, and when the pass Lee fish, sweep A glance at him.

    It was a warning look full of surprise.

    Somehow, Li Yu remembered entering the door and the oldest five talking.

    In an instant, cold out of the air and running up the heels of the heels, evoked a goose bump.

    "Why didn't you tell the police that you want to go?" The degree spoke, loosened the teacup and stood up.

    The man is tall and muscular, standing like a hill, standing behind him, just raising his arms, he can trap the youth between himself and the table and chairs.

    Li Yu turned to look at him, "Why should I go in this beautiful place?"

    Without taking this set, he took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit a sip.

    This is the first time Li Yu has watched him smoking. When the smoke spit out from the man's mouth, he easily faded his sharp features.

    "You won't regret staying." The degree of inexplicable smile, like finding something interesting.

    He said, "The lonely town is an interesting place. If at other times, you may feel boring, but now, it is the most energetic and beautiful time."

    Li Yu was not tempted and looked down at the man's fingers cigarette.

    Scarlet Mars flashes brightly and dimly, like a pair of eyes flashing with strange light.

    The death of the shop owner had no effect on the man. On the contrary, this incident was like a tipping point, which inspired him to have some secret emotions.

    This place belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate, the four seasons are like spring, and it is full of vitality at any time.

    Li Yu has a kind of intuition. The degree is just that, it means that it should be an inhabitant of the island.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now