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    The disgusting smell kept coming out of the plastic bag. Li Yu took a step back and held his breath.

    The housekeeper seemed to have no sense of smell, and looked at the kitchen lady freely, "You

    did it ." "No, it's not me." The kitchen lady's eyes fluttered a little, shaking her head vigorously. When the housekeeper's eyes turned away, she quietly sideways Face, peek at Maria ’s reaction.

    Perceiving the butler's inspection, Ma Lia smiled, "Don't look at me, it's not me, it's Sister Song." The

    kitchen lady screamed, "Don't spit on you!" Ma Lia

    said I didn't, "Two in the morning, I saw you cutting things in the kitchen with my own eyes. ”The

    cook ’s facial muscles became more rigid and her erratic eyes became ruthless. She rushed up without saying anything, pinched Malia ’s neck, and scolded with saliva,“ You Slut, you hurt me. "

    Last night, she turned over and over and couldn't fall asleep. As soon as she thought of a miscellaneous person, she had to crawl on her head, and she couldn't stop her irritability.

    So the kitchen lady got up from the bed and tried to cool off on the balcony, but found a mouse crawling up from the water pipe.

    The mouse was fat and fat, and its shape was disgusting, and one could not help but want to destroy it.

    Without any hesitation, the cook returned to the room immediately and took out the drying rack.

    The mouse is very clever, and he digs out of the hanger back and forth, making the annoyed and irritated kitchen lady even more annoyed. There is only one thought left in her mind. She caught it and killed it.

    After some frustration, the mouse was finally caught, and the cook went to the kitchen in a happy mood.

    She took off the cutting board and kitchen knife slowly, like a fish cut, one knife at a time, cutting down in an orderly manner.

    It was discovered that she purposely packed the body into a black plastic bag and stuffed it into the bottom of the trash bin, so she went to sleep with satisfaction.

    When she got up at dawn, she forgot about it.

    The bloody mass in the black bag stayed quietly until she returned to the dorm from work.

    At the time, Maria joined the door with her, and the kitchen lady was guilty and asked if she could smell it.

    Malia looked blank and said no.

    The chef froze for a while, and said whether it would be her own psychological effect before she felt that the taste was particularly great. Then she took a break and immediately discarded the garbage. She planned to wait for Maria to take a shower and make sure that she would not come out and deal with it.

    Now recalling the scene at that time, the kitchen lady knew that everything was planned by Maria.

    She deliberately wanted to expose her ugliest side to others.

    Under the white light, Maria and her stared at each other and condemned, "Mouses are disgusting. They live in the sewers and may carry germs on their bodies, but it does not steal food or interfere with you. Why do you want to be Cruel? "

    She paused, and the picture at the time was playing in her mind. The shadow of the kitchen lady was elongated by the light and lying on the ground, like a devil with open teeth and claws.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now