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In the orphanage, there are children who cannot find their home.

    Among them, a small part can be lucky to look after and find a new harbor, Li Yu obviously does not belong to this part.

    Probably aware of the host ’s bad mood, 1551 rarely comforted, "As long as you work hard, there will be a big family, facing the sea, with a private butler."

    Li Yu was shocked, and he was instantly excited and brainy. Zi turned again, pointing at the sun and asking, "Do you know what this means?"

    1551 guessed, "Perhaps, he always has evil thoughts in his heart?"

    Li Yu propped his head, touching his chin for a moment, agreeing, "It makes sense."

    A person's psychological good and evil will change with the situation.

    As the negative emotions in Gu Xu's mind gradually decreased, his evil thoughts also dissipated. On the contrary, as the negative emotions continued to grow and spread, the little black spots would bloom, and would symbolize the engulfment of the bright sun.

    Now Gu Xu is afraid that it has been hacked by 70% or more.

    It seems that the previous guess is correct, Gu Xu perfectly hides his other side, and Xu Fang's betrayal becomes an opportunity to trigger his dark side.

    Li Yu squeezed the picture book back into place in a heavy mood, slipped out of the villa the same way, and returned to the clubhouse.

    In 901, Gu Xu and his subordinates were meeting in the middle, as if discussing server leasing.

    Li Yu took out his phone boringly and landed in the game. As soon as the characters landed, the call was cut off.

    Another strange number.

    Turning his head and looking at the closed door, the cat came to the back of the sofa with his waist, and whispered.

    Listen and listen, Li Yu's eyes widened, "You said you are ..."

    He covered his mouth and looked at the back of his eyes with a small head, whispering, "I'm not at home, you help me put it at the door. Is the supermarket OK? "

    The other side agreed very happily and hung up neatly.

    The courier brother was neat, but Li Yu's heart was like a cat.

    As soon as Gu Xu came out, he ran over and could n’t wait to say, “Mr. Gu, the courier brother just called and said that there is your package. I let him put it in the supermarket at the door.”

    Gu Xu raised his eyebrows, “I did n’t buy something, would not a mistake. " " it

    was you, and not mistaken. "Lee fish very positive track," little brother called Gu Xu naming names, said the consignee, or a foreign package it. "

    Gu Xu Throw the notes used in the meeting on the sofa and sit down with the back of the sofa.

    This is the first time Li Yu received the courier, and he was very excited. "May I go back and pick it up for you now."

    Gu Xu shook his head. "No, let's order a meal first."

    Li Yu prolonged his voice. There was a clear disappointment.

    The man glanced at him and rubbed his fingers against his forehead. "Go back and help me pick it up."

    Li Yujiu's eyes flashed instantly, took out his coat thrown on the sofa, and rushed out without hearing the man The supplementary sentence "pay attention to safety".

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now