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   Li Yu blushing curled fingers, hollow stare a man, "You got the wrong attitude is not correct too, can be said to be very bad, but the first time I read you wrong, do not pursue, the next can not allow this."

    001 faces The smile was undiminished, and there was no consciousness in the face of criticism, and there was a cheeky sip on the lips of the youth who kept moving.

    Li Yu stopped talking completely, took the man's hand, buried his flushed face very low, and turned away.

    001 took the street with the youth for the first time and showed great interest when he saw anything, but when Li Yu asked him if he wanted it, he showed rejection and rejection.

    Only he knew it, he just wanted to attract the attention of the youth.

    I just like the other person's concerns, enquiries, doubts, and even angry eyes.

    As long as it is given by the youth, he likes it and does not want to share it with anyone.

    For example, the man who drinks coffee with youth in the afternoon.

    001 glanced at Li Yu, his lips pursed, and pointed to the cafe across the street, unable to walk.

    Looking down, Li Yu was the place to drink coffee with Qian Song.

    001 The location you chose, facing the street, by the window, you can see a solitary trash can when you turn your head.

    Li Yu's mouth twitched and suddenly understood, the little thing was jealous.

    They asked for a lot of things in the cafe, and when the displeasure of 001 was almost gone, the two left and went to the shopping mall.

    Li Yu now has a bottomless backpack. As long as he can afford it, he buys it all. He didn't lead the man back to the hotel until evening.

    After putting things in the bag, the two headed towards the head to eat on the sofa.

    Li Yu Jiacai's movements didn't stop, and a hill was piled up in the bowl of 001. "We will go the night after tomorrow and bring your little mermaid."

    001 was unskilled in holding the chopsticks, and he was stunned, and he was not very happy to sip his mouth.

    Li Yu found that the more familiar the two were, the more small expressions the man showed in front of him.

    He tapped his chopsticks on 001's lips. "Unhappy, or don't you want to go?"

    001 opened his mouth, clearly unable to express it.

    Li Yu made a judgment and sighed, "Don't walk, baby, this place will eat you sooner or later."

    The uniqueness of 001, I don't know if Dellson has told anyone else, he is worried Someone has noticed 001 and even started looking for him.

    "Let's take a waterway, will you swim?" Li Yu continued.

    001 didn't say a word, and his eyes stopped on the young man's bare wrist, his eyes flashing, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

    Li Yu,

    I don't know how long it will take to play the piano with Niu.

    The man in the seat next to him suddenly stood up, and Li Yu was in a daze for a moment, quickly grabbing 001's forearm.

    Li Yu, "Where are you going?"

    001's almost strong finger separating the young

    man , pointed to the window, his eyes dodged, and his voice was a little low, "I, I will come back immediately." As the voice fell, the man had reached Window, hold the window frame.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now