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    The pattern of Li Shu's house is the same as No. 444. Li Yu went to the balcony and looked down at the ground from a height.

    Under the street lights on the ground, there were three little black men with big ants.

    Looking over to the next door, the door of his house was unlocked, but the difference between the two balconies was more than two meters. Li Yu was not sure that he could jump over.

    With a sigh, I had to find other ways.

    The young man's eyes turned around, and finally he stopped at the pipe that was leaning down the wall and walking all the way.

    The white water pipes looked solid, but unfortunately there was a part of the bulge at the joint between every two sections.

    Human pain nerves are all over the body, and avoiding, covering, and even returning hands are all instinctive reactions of the body when it feels pain.

    In case the hand knocked on it during the descent, he took a pain and let go of his hand ... Twenty floors or so, it fell like a flesh and a red sauce.

    Li Yu returned to the living room, and the old man and the god were guarding the door.

    "Uncle Li, I forgot something was next door. You opened the door to let me go in the past and come back in three minutes." The

    old man closed his eyes directly and began to doze.

    Lee fish, "......"

    before Lin boat uncle here in the evening to be a small, got to know each, ran to the door, his hands holding down the knee of Father, his head and asked, "Li Grandpa, I can watch TV it."

    Father Opening one eye, "Yes."

    Li Yu was speechless, walking back and forth anxiously in the same place, he didn't understand, how did Uncle Li listen to the command of this degree, when and where did the two begin to meet? .

    "Uncle Li, you are very familiar with Mr. Cheng."

    "It's okay." Uncle Li opened his eyes again, seemingly smiling, "Little young, don't try to use my words, it's useless."

    He tightened the cane in his hand and leaned his head back against the door. "It's true to listen to Mr. Cheng, you should be honest."

    Li Yuqi knotted and asked the system, "I can find Li. Uncle and target's intersection in the past? "

    1551 said," No. "

    " Impossible. "Li Yumo chin, the doubt in his heart like snowballs, the more wrapped up, the more respect for Uncle Li is not pretended.

    Moreover, the degree should be very trusting to Li Shu, otherwise he and Lin Xiaozhou will not be put under his care.

    Lee Fish walked over, crouched feet Father, "Uncle, do you know what time the extent of the Islands do?"

    Uncle thick black eyebrows Yizhou, "fifteen years ago."

    And is fifteen.

    Li Yu, "I remember you were on the island 13 years ago."

    "Children, what do you want to say?" Uncle Li nodded the young man's forehead with the handle of a cane. Are you tired? Go to rest and rest, and when Mr. Cheng comes back, we should move to the nest. "

    Uncle Li knows the degree and is very close.

    If the two did not meet after Uncle Li came to the island, is it possible that they had a brief intersection before Uncle Li had drifted to the island and reached the inland level.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now