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   It was probably too close when speaking, the man's voice was a little distorted, and Li Yu only heard the first word.

    I couldn't help but discriminate in my heart. I couldn't help but ask, "What do you think you want?"

    Looking at the young man's serious expression, 001 felt a little ashamed, and he endured the urge to hide his face in the fish's tail, toward the white Shengsheng's ears are repeated again.

    Li Yu, "..."

    Only those words are used for animal-to-animal reproduction.

    1551, "No problem, even humans are primates, and mermaids are of course animals."

    Li Yu, "Shut up, light bulbs."

    1551, "..." The

    system has done so many things, so many tutorials However, Li Yu was not sure. Whether the goal was to inherit the memory.

    He pulled away from his thoughts, touched 001's wet hair, and said three words ruthlessly, "No."

    001 pursed his lips unhappily, his facial lines tightened, and accused him with grievance, "You said, I can ask you for anything I want."

    Li Yu, "..."

    I felt really cool when I lifted a stone and hit my feet.

    He cleared his throat and asked, "Then will you? The one with the tail will not work, I can't accept it."

    001 was annoyed.

    Li Yu smoothed his hair, "Be good baby, we have a lot of time to do that kind of thing in the future, now we should plan well to leave tonight."

    001 lack of interest, the whole body fell into the water, pressure In the youth, "How long is the future? Do you give me an accurate time."

    Li Yu was shocked, and the little thing learned to bargain.

    He had no relevant experience, and Nane threw the question back, "When do you want to?"

    001, "Tomorrow, celebrating our departure from here."

    Li Yu repented, why should he be the bottom of the two-player game when he should have toasted to celebrate.


    Seeing that the man was silent for a long time, 001's black eyes were gradually gloomy, he made a choice, but the young man refused to nod and agreed that he must be punished.

    His lower neck bite youth, grabs hold, "and the Soviet Union, answer me."

    Li Diao Fish was too Youteng itching, tears, "Ok, I promise you."

    Crisis neck lift , The man still refused to get up.

    Li Yu suspected that after 001's body had undergone external changes, the internal structure should have changed as well, which was a lot heavier than before and was overwhelming.

    He was afraid that he would be too upset to make the man unhappy, so he flicked his forehead with his fingers, pretending to be relaxed, "No coquettishness, I haven't completely quelled, I got up, I'm going to change clothes."

    "That I tell you why I ran away, can you not be angry? "There was a clatter of water, and the black fish tail protruded out of the water and swayed." Because of this. "

    " I was scared when I just grew my tail. " His chin was buried in the water, his lips pressed against the ears of the youth.

    He likes this part very much, and every time he takes a bite or blows, the ears will become red.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now