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The panic and dissatisfaction caused by the sudden power outage continued.

    Footsteps gradually sounded in the corridor. It should be that other guests on the same floor also ran out. There were one or two unqualified ones who were wrapped in bath towels and called the waiter on their hips.

    Seeing the man staring at himself silently, Li Yu hugged the quilt in his arms and said daringly, "Then I will do it as you promised." The

    young man is not very tall, just right to his chin, holding the quilt , Trying to look at him like a scared little quail that fell on the ground in winter night.

    Ying Han raised his hand on the door frame and blocked the way. "I don't like being in the same room with others."

    "I will not do it at all." Li Yusou thought about all kinds of excuses, "We live They are all single rooms, Song An is too strong, I ca n’t sleep with him, Jack is not small, too. ”

    Brother, I also fled to you, trust me.

    Ying Han gave a cry, without the following.

    Li Yu, "..."

    This person is too difficult.

    With a click, the door behind opened, and Song An was standing in the doorway wearing a bathrobe and wearing a towel.

    When they saw each other inside, one outside, they blurted out, "Why are you two?"

    He realized that the question was nonsense. He wasn't blind. He could see that the young man was trying to rub the bed.

    A flash of light flashed in his head, and he suddenly thought of something, "Oh, get it, I get it."

    Li Yu wondered, "What do you understand?"

    At the same time, Ying Han also looked over.

    Compared with the simple and doubtful eyes of the young man, that one's eyes are much colder, and the person watching looks numb with scalp and the toes scratch the ground.

    Song An immediately realized that his thoughts were dirty and misunderstood. He quickly guessed, "Don't you dare to sleep alone just because of the power outage?"

    Seeing the youth did not refute, he quietly sighed and looked at Yinghan again.

    The man has turned his gaze back to the young man and said, "Either sleep on your own or find someone else to squeeze."

    Li Yu, "..."

    Although it is not polite, I still want to say that your attitude towards others is easy to note Alone.

    It's not a way to consume it anymore. He didn't want to know him, he was labeled as a nuisance.

    Li Yu grinded her teeth, looked back to Song An, "Brother Song, you can stay for one night."

    Song An grinned and gave a way sideways, "Come in."

    Li Yu whispered Ying Han quietly, Turned around and left, before entering the door, I heard the sound of closing and locking from behind.

    Song An's house was facing the street, and the light was just OK.

    Li Yu threw his quilt on the sofa, "I can sleep here."

    Song An had no idea about it, wiped her hair a few more times, fell asleep, and soon snored.

    Li Yu, "..."

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now