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   Huo Hu narrowed his eyes and stared at the young man for a long time, the alert on his face suddenly relaxed.

    He gave way sideways, "Come with me."

    Li Yu followed, and the man who was halfway ahead stopped. He turned back and stared at the tall man beside the young man, "Mr. Shi please stay. "

    Shi Yu can only stop, and unwillingly help the youth to untie the rope." Go, I'll wait for you here. "

    He finished taking a step back and watched the youth walk further and further along with the townspeople, lean back It was narrowed and narrowed by the long road, and finally disappeared with a turn.

    "Tell me, where are you?" A familiar voice sounded around the deserted area.

    Shi Yu's lips tightened, and his fist in his trousers pocket was clenched, withdrawing his sight to the distance, and coming under a big tree.

    From the appearance, this tree should have been growing for thousands of years. The trunk and branches are strong, and the curved roots emerge from the ground, showing off its age and strength.

    "What the hell did you find." The voice pressed.

    Shi Yu twitched his forehead, and his eyes were dark and dull, like a dry well under a gloomy night sky, lifeless.

    "If he found an exit and left, what would you do? Would you please?" The

    voice chattered, vowing to disturb Shi Yu's mind. It would never allow any prey to escape, let alone someone to break the rules of the world .

    Shi Yu, "I'm willing."

    "He won't leave. I can tell that he can't leave you

    behind ." Shi Yu heard someone giggling in his ears, the laughter changed from small to loud, from big to harsh, "But if he knows your true face, the result will be hard to tell."

    "He will be afraid of you, loathe you, and think you are a murderous devil."

    "Shut up." Shi Yu's muzzle was calm, and the subordinates who were waiting together in the distance had no sense of suffocation. His throat seemed to be pinched hard, his chest was burning, and his knees were soft.

    They all looked towards the ancient tree and found that the owner's body was covered by the trunk, unable to explore the expression.

    "Look at it." A subordinate endured the discomfort and poked the man next to him.

    Unwilling to go, he poked again on his left hand, poked around, and finally no one dared to touch the mold.

    The air around Shi Yu seems to have encountered a burnt wave, which has been distorted and deformed. This is the mirror trying to locate his position. Unfortunately, it failed.

    After a while, the vision returned to calm.

    Shi Yu sneered in the corner of his mouth, his relationship with the mirror was too close, there were pros and cons.

    The advantage is that he can have the right to override all the people in the city. The disadvantage is that he is connected to the fate of the mirror and suffers all losses.

    Raising his hand, he looked at the golden string curled in his palm. The rope was specially made. He used to make it himself when he was bored. He never thought that one day this thing would be used to trap a person, a The person he likes.

    Shi Yu took hold of the end that covered the young man's wrist, gently stroked it a few times, and the violent, dark heart shrank at an alarming rate.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now