reality 9

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    The action team sent a lot of people, except for the drivers in the two cars, a total of eight people.

    Li Yu, "They came to catch me?"

    Zhuang Wei, "Come to me."

    He rubbed his forehead with a headache. The irritability and disgust in his eyes were too lazy to hide . He turned his face to the youth and said, "I let the driver take the lead Take you back. "The

    man opened the car door and walked out in the rain.

    After a short period of consternation, Li Yu quickly reacted, just grabbed the door handle, and the driver's door was pulled open with one hand.

    He saw this, in the rearview mirror, behind the car I don't know when a car was parked.

    And Zhuang Wei's assistant is moving from the co-pilot to the driver's seat.

    Next to Li Yu, in the empty driver's seat, the driver was already seated.

    He fastened his seat belt, reached for the central lock, and locked the door.

    Li Yu remembered the matter of chasing people, and looked forward through the rain curtain. The special operation team's car was long gone.

    "Brother of the driver, can you catch up with those two cars?"

    "No." The driver is like a robot, with a faceless expression and no emotion in his voice. "Sir, I will take you back."

    Li Yu doesn't want to be forced by the strongman It was no big deal to catch up with him, he grabbed the door handle of the car, "You opened the door." The

    driver was unmoved, and quickly started the car in gear.

    Li Yu grinded his teeth after grinding, and turned his head to the other side unwillingly. "It's useless for you to send me back. I can go out and find him myself."

    "The boss will be fine." The driver sighed. The expression is loose.

    Li Yu's heart was raised by a few simple words, and it was not too aggressive, so he leaned on the back of the chair, and he said aloud, "Oh," "Why are you so sure? It ’s not a good person. "

    "Although the people in the administration may not be of noble character, they are absolutely serious and responsible in dealing with their work, and will not be favoritism." The driver said, "You can rest assured that they just ask the boss to have a tea and chat."

    Rest assured that this kind of thing can't be done by just touching the mouth twice.

    Li Yu looked suspiciously at the driver, so this person could calm down like this.

    His eyes rolled, "Brother of the driver, do you know what's the inside story? What is the relationship between Mr. Zhuang and the Administration?"

    "Cooperative relationship." The driver said, "Don't expect me to get news from me, anything else. I do n’t know. It ’s better to sit back and fasten your seat belt. There is a bend in front of you. ”

    Li Yu,“ ... ”It ’s a

    worthy person, one and two are stinky and hard stones in the pit.

    After the driver took the person downstairs, he drove the car back to the administration building. After stopping the car, he took the staff elevator all the way to the top floor.

    In the hallway on the top floor, the assistant who heard footsteps raised his head, "Send it back?"

    "Well, I went to see the person entering the house." The driver turned and stood against the wall, "Mr.     Let's talk to that one. "

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