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    The elevator runs smoothly without any problems. In order to escape the security, Li Yu went directly to the second floor.

    The people on the second floor were working overtime, and no abnormality was seen. They were planning to leave. Suddenly they saw a middle-aged woman standing up from the stool and walking straight to the balcony.

    Seeing that everyone was working hard, no one noticed himself, Li Yu approached the root of the wall and came to the balcony curtain.

    At first, the woman just supported the railing to see the scenery. After a while, she shrunk to the corner, hugged her knees, and raised her head in panic, begging for mercy in the air.

    Judging from words, it seems to be threatened.

    After repeating a few words of "forgiveness" in horror, her body was pulled up by an invisible hand, her soles left the ground, and she turned back out of the balcony instantly.

    Li Yu rushed over and looked down at the railing.

    The woman's body had fallen to the ground, and her limbs were lying on the ground with a twist. After a full minute, her head moved, and then her limbs.

    Li Yu saw the security guard walk over and helped her stand up, helping her to reset the twisted joint skillfully.

    The woman seemed to smile at the security guard and stepped on high heels to return to the office.

    Seeing the young man on the balcony, she looked embarrassed, pursed her lips, lowered her head back to her position and continued to work.

    Li Yu went upstairs muddled, ordinary people of this kind of unit really can't come, even if they are not affected by the mirror, they will be scared crazy sooner or later.

    He sat in the stairwell for a while and calmed down completely. He came to the fifth floor and happened to meet the secretary who was standing at the door holding the document.

    The secretary turned his back to the office, it seemed that he was not going to go in, but he did not want to go, and was very tangled in his heart, staring at the void in a daze.

    Li Yu walked over and shouted a little when he deliberately settled.

    The secretary was shocked, slightly surprised, "Mr. Jiang."

    Li Yu, "What's wrong with you?"

    "It's fine." The secretary hurriedly covered her emotions and walked past the young man.

    Li Yu stood there, touching his chin and thinking, "1551, there is something in the secretary's heart, and it is also related to the goal."

    1551, "It is possible."

    The three dry words immediately chatted to death, and Li Yu put his doubts Go aside, knock on the door and go in.

    I thought it was the secretary again, and Shi Yu didn't raise his head, and the pen wrote something on the paper.

    Carrying the food container, Li Yu leaned over to see what the plan was.

    "Mr. Stone." He tapped his fingers on the table a few times, opened the box, and pushed it to the man's right hand. "Dine first." The

    fresh aroma of shrimp is mixed with the scent of eggs, and then diced carrots and Chinese Ham, that tastes so simple.

    Shi Yu happened to be hungry too, couldn't help swallowing, but the face was calm, "You made it?"

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now