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   Cook thrust his chest, as if this will a bit more courage, her outrageous hand, ordered, "Give me."

    Ma Liya warily put away the pen, put the Scratch Pad trousers pocket, "do not give."

    Cook mouth After cursing something, he suddenly rushed up and grabbed something from Mariya's pocket, but was shuffled by the other party. The back of the head hit the faucet, and a large piece of hair was immediately wet with blood.

    Ma Lia froze in place, staring at the dazzling blood in the hands of the cook.

    "Bleeding ..." The kitchen lady's hands were shaking, her expression changed suddenly, "You're a bitch, I'll fight with you!"

    Mariya turned and ran, being dragged from the back to the hair by one hand, hurt She whispered.

    The cook's eyes bulged out, and she used force so fiercely that she just scratched her hair from the little girl's scalp.

    This scene not only scared the housekeeper who came to hear the sound, but also scared the young man who was watching in front of the light screen to jump from the bed to the ground.

    Shi Yu happened to raise his eyes and yelled sharply, "Go back to bed." The

    ground was cold, Li Yu's thumb moved twice, and he sat back to the bed obediently and closed his feet.

    In fact, although the kitchen lady and Ma Lia are fighting each other, the expression between them is completely different.

    The former is angry and can't wait to drink blood and bite the flesh, while the latter is only disgusted.

    It is this disgust that constantly angers the kitchen lady.

    The butler roared several times and saw that the two kept tearing, so he picked up a porcelain basin and smashed it to the ground.

    The porcelain basin was not broken, and finally the two women were calmed down.

    The next step was a reprimand. It didn't mean much. Li Yu told the system to turn off the optical screen and set his sights on the next door.

    On the wooden chair, the man is bowing his head and working, tapping on the computer with his fingertips.

    The city has its own operating mode. In addition to the company of Shi Yu, there are many other large and small enterprises. Together they maintain the economy of the city, the circulation of money, and the livelihood of many people.

    And most of them are dead, but they still live like ordinary people.

    Li Yu frowned, "1551, I know why those companies are not recruiting people because the employees inside are not ordinary human beings." In the

    dream, Luo Qihu said that each of them repeated the past death every day.

    In a time when others don't know, the office workers in the company may also experience some kind of purgatory like the people in the town.

    So it's not that you don't want to recruit people, but you can't, and it will scare the living from the dead.

    Li Yu, "I want to find a chance to confirm it."

    "Pay attention to safety." 1551 paused and suddenly said, "I just heard the nurse in the corridor talking about the madman who escaped from the lunatic asylum."

    The madman has not caught him so far . Li Yu really doubted whether it wouldn't be a lunatic at all.

    The lunatic does not have normal logical thinking, and it is impossible to escape the heavy search smoothly when he returns.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now