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    In the previous mission world, the goal was very strong. Like this, he lay still and immobile, Li Yu had never seen it.

    For the second time, he dragged the man out of the pit and laid it flat on the ground, trying to cool him down.

    The pungent smell of alcohol floated in the air, Li Yu sneezed, leaned over 001, and wiped his forehead with alcohol cotton.

    The man's dark forehead has a white bar on his forehead, and his cold white skin is delicate and smooth, like a wild monkey traveling through the woods all day long.

    The heart was uncontrollably excited, and Li Yu pressed the corners of her lips and began to wipe the brow bones, nose bridge, slight depressions under the lips, and soft cheeks for the man.

    This is the first time Li Yu sees the totem on 001's face. The black pattern is like a vine, but it is not soft, but it gives a sharp, rough, and mysterious feeling.

    The totem extends from the lower half of the man's right cheek to the clothing under the neck.

    Li Yu didn't rush to take off the man's clothes, and continued to take care of the patient in an orderly manner. After wiping his neck, he began to unbutton the man's buttons.

    I don't know how long this dress has been worn. Many places have been decayed. If I didn't care, the button would fall apart, and it would disappear into the weeds.

    Li Yu rubbed the tip of his nose awkwardly, thinking angrily, and later he had to find clothes for the man.

    As the man's chest was wiped with alcohol, the totem was fully revealed.

    When the weird totem extends to the chest, it has receded sharply and became draconian, like a fierce, deep sea beast combined with simple lines.

    Li Yu leaned closer, his warm breath blowing on the man's collarbone, his eyes narrowed slightly, trying to distinguish some weird words from the totem.

    These words are hidden in the vertical and horizontal lines of the totem, and are not very obvious.

    Li Yu, "Can you find relevant information?"

    The system tried it, and regretfully told the host, "Sorry, no."

    Li Yu threw the totem problem aside, slowly reached over, and carefully released the last two crumbling buttons of 001.

    When the snow-white cotton ball was stained black with dirt, Li Yu could see clearly. The totem extended all the way from the chest to the bottom of the ribs.

    Strangely, the last few looms, as if the ink was smudged, or as if they had not yet appeared completely.

    Li Yu's eyes widened in amazement and wiped a few times with his fingers. It was useless. Instead, as time went on, the color of the totem gradually deepened and became the same black as other places ...

    "1551, you know what this is. Did you? Li Yu wiped the body for the man, and began to pick up his pants again. His eyes were clear, and there was no yellow waste in his mind.

    1551, "Sorry, no relevant information can be retrieved from the World Database."

    Li Yu shook his head, leaned over the man's head, and carefully looked at the face.

    001's face was sharply outlined, his eye sockets were slightly deep, and his eyelashes were dark and dense. It was probably because of his physical illness that made him very uncomfortable, and his brows were always tight.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now