4.36 [end]

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    Near the altar, the group of unconscious perpetrators have drilled out of the surrounding caves.

    Li Yu choked with tears, and tears came down his eyes, "1551, what did Shi Yu want to do, he didn't want me anymore?"

    Suddenly remembered that he still had a prop that was useless, he was groping around in a hurry, cage, cage .

    1551 Can't stand it anymore, "The cage is not on you."

    Li Yu stopped moving and yelled out of control, "Give me!"

    A small cage appeared in his hand. The special texture price was so cold that Li Yu grasped. Then he threw it hard at the crack.

    When a miracle happened, the cage went through the barrier and fell to Shi Yu's feet.

    The expected magical picture did not appear, the cage died there, motionless, and nothing changed.

    Until, Shi Yu's whistle sounded.

    Fat gray flew out of nowhere, and got into the cage by himself.

    "Be careful!" Li Yuxin's frightened reminder.

    Shi Yu had long been aware of the movements behind him, avoiding the hacked axe sideways, and solved the perpetrator three or two times.

    He returned to his original position, put his hand on the barrier, his lips stubbornly fluttered, the same two words.

    Li Yu dropped her tears silently and shook her head.

    Shi Yu looked at him motionlessly. When someone approached, he distracted himself, unwilling to move a half step.

    The crack continued to spread, and some people fell directly from the inside and fell to the ground. The twisted and vicious look was replaced by ignorance. No one knew what happened, and they looked at the young people in the middle of the lane.

    "Little brother." Someone stepped forward and patted the young man's shoulder.

    Li Yu ignored the man, and finally compromised under the man's calm gaze, taking a step forward.

    Shi Yu showed a gentle smile, his fingers depicting the outline of the youth across the void, and lowered his head.

    Li Yu bit his lip tightly, not letting himself cry, and raised his face on his feet.

    The two kissed through the cold barrier, and no one was willing to withdraw first. They knew in their hearts that this may be the last time they met in this life, and the last time they touched.

    No next time, use never.

    With a clatter, the barrier trembled and someone was hitting the exit with a weapon.

    Shi Yu backed slightly, his thumb touched the young man's lips across the barrier, and smiled. Before meeting the young man, he had never thought of who he would fall in love with. The purpose of the blind date was very clear. Exit.

    After meeting the young man, everything changed. His emotions were no longer under his control. He laughed or angered, all controlled by one person.

    In order to wait for this man, he walked alone for many years, and those solitary waits are worth it.

    Shi Yu raised his knife and stood up from the space crack.

    Looking at the half of the rope around the man's hand, Li Yu scolded the liar, "Don't you say Yongjie is concentric, why did he untie ... 1551, he lied to me."

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now