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   The degree was not the same as before, only the door was opened with a slit, but the whole was opened, and the slender arm held one side of the door frame, slightly tilting his head, "Come in."

    Li Yu, "..."

    This forced it to be pretentious.

    With a low cough, Li Yu walked in with the man and asked, "What are you doing at home."

    Unlocking the buttons of the neckline to reveal a small piece of collarbone, one hand in his pocket, "Nothing."

    He is cool He raised his eyebrows coolly, "Is there something to do with me?"

    Li Yu said, "Can I borrow your mobile phone or computer to check the recipe?"

    "You wait." Degree got up and entered the room, took a few books out, and put it on the coffee table , "Check it out."

    Li Yu, "..."

    degree, "There is no other radio equipment on the island except for cable TV and landline, I think you know."

    Li Yu does not know, but no one has ever used a mobile phone.

    This little broken island is too occlusive, leaving the internet addicted boy with him for a month, and he will be able to quit the Internet successfully.

    Both recipes are thickened collector's editions. Li Yu retrieved from the catalog and turned pages after finding it.

    The beef in the picture was cut into particles of about the same size, dipped in red oil and sesame seeds, embellished with green green peppers. It was very attractive, and the lips were involuntarily squeezed, and the head was looked away.

    Li Yu, "..."

    hit the man's arm with his elbow, he asked, "Is there pen and paper, I can't remember it at once."

    "You wait." Degree entered the room again.

    Li Yu took the time to look around and finally fixed his sight on one of the plant walls.

    Last night, the light was bad, and I didn't have time to take a closer look, but now I found out that there was some extinct fern in the Paleozoic period.

    He approached and touched it with his fingers, the leaves were delicate and delicate, and very fragile.

    The degree is still in the room, Li Yu asked with a throat, "Brother Cheng, can I visit your house?"

    "Yes." The man spoke out and put a brand-new notebook on the coffee table. The ink has run out, you wait, I will go downstairs to borrow one. "

    After finishing the meal, he pointed to his bedroom and said," There are books in it, you can bring a few books to read when you are bored.

    " Thank you, Brother Cheng. I'll wait for you to come back. "The

    degree of smile was not obvious, and the key was left.

    After staying in place for a few seconds, Li Yu got up naturally.

    He still hasn't figured out how the degree is controlled without surveillance. He dare not go to a place with too strong purpose, but first goes around the house with his hands, from the balcony to the kitchen, and then from the kitchen. To the bathroom, and finally stopped outside the master bedroom.

    Out of politeness, he didn't go in, just stood and looked at the door.

    The room is very large, unlike the outside. There are no plants in it. There are only a few simple pieces of furniture. The most shocking thing is the huge bookshelf that surrounds three sides.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now