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   The main pipeline is manually controlled by the wheel valve and there is no entrance manhole cover. If he uses the "door", how to enter the pipeline will be a big problem.

    If the direct violence breaks open, it will affect the entire underground fortress' water.

    Li Yu couldn't do anything for himself.

    Think about it, he decided to gamble, "1551, let's try to deal with the money loose."

    1551 no opinion, "Okay."

    The person in charge of the general control room was pulled by the search team, and he was unwilling. Reluctantly, I feel that these people are just looking for things.

    He approached in a nagging manner, "I said, sir, the master control room is triple recognition of fingerprints, irises, and faces. I

    can't enter anyone without opening the door." The search captain didn't hear a word, holding his chin, "I Searching for offenders in the name of the parliament, what do you mean by escaping? Even the parliament is not in your eyes? "When the

    person in charge heard the name of the parliament, his legs softened and he hurried to the door.

    He pressed the entire palm of his hand to the electronic lock, which was verified, and then the iris.

    Didi, the verification passed again.

    The last item left is face recognition.

    On the screen of the electronic lock, the scanned image remained unchanged. The person in charge wondered, frowned, and found that the person in the picture was still blank.

    Oops, this fucking stuck.

    The person in charge shook it left and right, and the person on the screen still had that expression.

    The search leader waited impatiently, "Why doesn't it work for so long?"

    "It's broken." The person in charge walked to the electronic lock and poked a few times. The screen displayed the prompt of "Emergency Open" and a countdown.

    Three, two ...

    no one.

    The screen flashed suddenly, completely black.

    The person in charge shared the two hands, "The system is faulty and needs to be re-connected to the computer for debugging, otherwise no one can open it."

    Electronic locks are very expensive. The person in charge is afraid that this group of reckless men will pry the lock and be bitter. Persuaded, "Sir, listen to me, there is really no one here, I can guarantee with my personality." The

    captain's face was uncertain.

    What the person in charge said makes sense, but he is stubborn and believes that it should be opened.

    He asked, "How long will it take to debug." The

    person in charge knew when he looked at it like this. The person was not yet stubborn. He was irritable and said deliberately for a period of time. "It's more than two days a day. You must make an appointment with the researcher of the institute. Time. "

    This time is too long for the search team to wait.

    The captain pursed his lips and wanted to ask a question, a huge noise suddenly broke out in the empty factory area.

    The person in charge thought that aliens had come in and panicked the search team who ran out of the way and ran towards the open space in front.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now