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    Chen Zhou was full of resentment towards the Parliament, but the dignity and strength of his body prevented him from surrendering.

    When he did, he was a traitor to humans, and he had been labeled for life.

    He looked at the expression on his face that was out of spirits, intending to give the other a happy face.

    His toes spread apart, the webs between his fingers were stretched straight, and all the force was concentrated on the foot, and he stepped down violently.

    In a short hair, a black figure rushed out from the front.

    The heterogeneous body was knocked out and flew a long distance on the ground before stopping.

    He twisted his neck, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he was extremely angry.

    Chen will come with one hand boat picked up, no sound cold wave, "Back to go below, a delay and then you're dead."

    In front of people wearing black vest, dark camouflage pants, feet on a pair of good Dengzhe Leather cowhide boots.

    Those who can wear these shoes are rich and powerful at home, and such people are the least likely to go to the battlefield.

    Chen Zhou stood firm and looked up at the other person's face.

    The man was wearing a peaked cap and his face was tightly wrapped with a mask. He could barely tell from the lowered brim that he had a pair of dark eyes.

    In this kind of dressing, it is impossible to recognize who it is for another hundred years.

    Unlike Chen Zhou, Li Yu saw at a glance that this man was 001.

    "Small things learn to yang yin and yin, chopping and then playing." Li Yu couldn't help sneering and sent a message to 001 with his watch.

    The communication channel signal of 1551 is excellent. In a blink of an eye, the man in the light screen has received the message and his expression is almost scared.

    Li Yu saw him turn around in place, pushed the brim slightly up, and swept his eyes around.

    He is looking for someone to send a message.

    All around is fighting, 001 did not find a familiar figure, his expression relaxed.

    Kicking a sneak attack, he bowed his head and opened his bracelet.

    The bracelet screen displays a small light screen with a large slap, which is the information interface.

    The message sent by the youth is very short, [note the safety above. ]

    001 at the end of that period like a bomb, inexplicably, he is aware that the youth at the moment a little cranky.

    The fins glowing with cold light came from the front, and he stepped back, pressing his waist back, before he could get up, and the other side swept across one leg.

    The thought of replying to 001 was interrupted, and he was arrogant, holding the swept leg above and pulling in the opposite direction.

    The heterogeneous one-leg jumped on the ground a few times, clenched his teeth and lifted the other leg to kick towards the opposite door.

    The 001 face was calm, without the slightest panic of being on the battlefield at first.

    He raised his hand in front of his face, grasped the sole of his foot, and the muscles in his arm agitated, twisting the two heterogeneous legs together like a twist, pushing hard forward.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now